Series The Lord's Prayer - Talking to the Father About the Father

Does your church pray the Lord’s Prayer as part of its liturgy? Do you ever pray it on your own? In this series of conversations, Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, and Mart DeHaan take a careful look at the first part of the Lord’s Prayer contained in Matthew 6. Explore how to talk with the Father about his honor, his kingdom, and his purpose, and learn how this can help us develop and maintain a more meaningful prayer life. The Lord's Prayer part one: talking to the Father about the Father.

Dates August 6 - October 12, 2012
# of Programs 50
At The Table Haddon Robinson, Alice Mathews, Mart DeHaan
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Part 1 - 08/06/12

An overview of the Lord’s Prayer, and how it’s a great way to engage with God

Part 2 - 08/07/12

How the pattern of the Lord’s Prayer can revitalize our prayer life

Part 3 - 08/08/12

The Lord’s Prayer is a foundation for our communication with God, but not the final word on it

Part 4 - 08/09/12

The radical nature of calling the Creator of the universe Father

Part 5 - 08/10/12

The privilege of calling our Lord by a personal title, Father

Part 6 - 08/13/12

The sacrifice Jesus paid in order for us to have an intimate relationship with God

Part 7 - 08/14/12

The way various cultures pray and the freedom we discover when we pray from the heart

Part 8 - 08/15/12

What it means to embrace God as our Abba Father

Part 9 - 08/16/12

God’s immense love as our heavenly Father

Part 10 - 08/17/12

Let’s look at Jesus’ teaching on prayer in the Sermon on the Mount

Part 11 - 08/20/12

How God defines Himself as father, and how this influences our relationship with Him

Part 12 - 08/21/12

Let’s examine the characteristics of our heavenly Father, by looking at the Son, Jesus!

Part 13 - 08/22/12

Who God is, and how we can relate to Him

Part 14 - 08/23/12

What does it mean to “hallow” God’s name?

Part 15 - 08/24/12

Discover what God’s name represents

Part 16 - 08/27/12

The significance of honoring God first and foremost

Part 17 - 08/28/12

Proof that prayer can be concise and meaningful

Part 18 - 08/29/12

God’s heart is to have one-on-one time with you

Part 19 - 08/30/12

An encounter with Jesus can help us realign our priorities!

Part 20 - 08/31/12

Discover what a genuine conversation with God looks like

Part 21 - 09/03/12

How God’s presence should impact the prayers of His people

Part 22 - 09/04/12

The impact of cheapening God’s name and how it affects future generations

Part 23 - 09/05/12

How to connect Spirit-filled worship with honoring God’s name

Part 24 - 09/06/12

How the Lord’s Prayer draws us to the heart of worship

Part 25 - 09/07/12

To truly honor God, we must understand who He is!

Part 26 - 09/10/12

Another fascinating look at “Our Father” as used in the Lord’s Prayer

Part 27 - 09/11/12

Let’s look at the word pictures in Scripture to discover what it means for God to be our heavenly Father

Part 28 - 09/12/12

See how our view of God impacts our relationships

Part 29 - 09/13/12

Discover timely encouragement on how to grow in prayer

Part 30 - 09/14/12

Does it really make a difference if we pray?

Part 31 - 09/17/12

Looking to the Scriptures for direction on what Jesus meant when He prayed “Thy kingdom come”

Part 32 - 09/18/12

Let’s take a closer look at the perplexing timeline of God’s kingdom

Part 33 - 09/19/12

Entering God’s kingdom doesn’t require us to jump through any hoops

Part 34 - 09/20/12

Discover the diverse ways people understand what God’s kingdom really means

Part 35 - 09/21/12

The challenges of living as responsible residents of two worlds

Part 36 - 09/24/12

Discover what it means to come out of the darkness and live as people of the light

Part 37 - 09/25/12

What Jesus meant when He instructed us to pray “Thy kingdom come”

Part 38 - 09/26/12

What Jesus meant when He said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”

Part 39 - 09/27/12

Discover what it means for God’s kingdom to come

Part 40 - 09/28/12

Let’s take a look at the ultimate culmination of history—Christ’s return

Part 41 - 10/01/12

The important role that followers of God play in bringing good to the world

Part 42 - 10/02/12

The underlying implication of praying “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”

Part 43 - 10/03/12

How the Lord’s Prayer applies to our daily lives

Part 44 - 10/04/12

Do you need some hope to cling to in the midst of a trial?

Part 45 - 10/05/12

What is God’s purpose for prayer?

Part 46 - 10/08/12

The problems of reciting the Lord’s Prayer without understanding its significance

Part 47 - 10/09/12

Personal anecdotes of how God brings us through difficult situations

Part 48 - 10/10/12

How the past, present, and future come together in the storyline of history

Part 49 - 10/11/12

Let’s look at the paradox of Christ’s return, and clear the confusion surrounding it

Part 50 - 10/12/12

Find fresh focus for your prayer life!

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