September 22, 2011
We work hard, earn our salaries, and feel like the benefits of the income are ours to enjoy. Let’s discuss what it means to be a good steward.
September 21, 2011
The term steward doesn’t come up often in daily conversation. But, if you’re a follower of Jesus, that’s exactly what you are!
September 20, 2011
When Jesus taught, He didn’t always spell things out in black and white. Instead, He used stories to impart life lessons.
September 19, 2011
Jesus often used parables to teach lessons on faith and life. Let’s listen to a dramatic interpretation of Jesus’ story on the shrewd manager.
September 16, 2011
Do you ever have questions when studying a portion of Scripture? Sure, we all do! Let’s turn to Luke 16 and one of Jesus’ parables that raises some difficult questions.
January 28, 2010
We live in a fallen world. And as a result, the work we do isn’t always pleasant!
January 27, 2010
When you look back on your workweek you probably notice that some aspects of your job are enjoyable, while others are just plain tedious. Whether you work in the office or the home, this helpful discussion is for you!
January 26, 2010
We all have daily responsibilities, whether paid or unpaid, public or private. And when we do our work with the right spirit and attitude, God is honored!
January 25, 2010
Whether you work in the office, in the home, or through volunteer projects, we all have a job to do. A fresh perspective to get you through the workweek.
January 22, 2010
The Bible says we’re to conduct ourselves in the workplace for the glory of God. But what does that really mean? Can doing those mundane tasks in your workday truly be honoring to God?