Episode Amazing Moments in Mark | Week 1

I think we can agree that we live in an amazing world filled with amazing things and people. But there are also amazing things to ponder in the spiritual realm. Most notably, when we consider the story of the scriptures we should be amazed continually. This was so front of mind for the gospel writer Mark that no less than nine times in his account of the story of Jesus, he describes the people who interacted with Jesus as being amazed. May we join in the wonder of our Lord as we consider those moments together.

Dates November 27- December 8, 2023
At The Table Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, Daniel Ryan Day and Rasool Berry
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Chapter 1

You’ve likely seen some remarkable things in your lifetime: perhaps the birth of a child, an act of kindness, or the beauty of a moonlit night. In this chapter, you’ll open the Bible to discover the “amazing” story of a childless couple who received an extraordinary visitor.

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Chapter 2

If you dropped someone from the past into today’s world, they’d be amazed by modern technology. And if you were transported back in time 2,000 years ago, you’d be even more amazed by the life, teachings, and miracles of Jesus! In this chapter, you’ll consider some of the “Amazing Moments” in the remarkable life of Jesus Christ.

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Chapter 3

We live in an amazing world, filled with people, places, and things. But there are mind-blowing things to ponder in the spiritual realm, as well. In this chapter, you’ll revisit the wonder experienced by those who witnessed the supernatural power of Jesus here on Earth.

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Chapter 4

Ever had a bit of good news that you just couldn’t wait to share? Now, imagine you were told to keep it a secret. Could you do it? In this chapter, you’ll marvel at how quickly news spread about Jesus, even though sometimes He asked people to not tell.

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Chapter 5

Maybe you’ve met a celebrity or shook hands with a famous leader. These brushes with greatness are exciting, but there’s no celebrity sighting that could ever come close to the experience of coming face to face with Jesus! In this chapter, you’ll hear about the astonishing impact that Jesus had on the people He met.

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