In this series of conversations, the group goes in-depth on a word we talk about a lot on Discover the Word. It's the Hebrew word hesed. It's one of the primary ways God introduces himself to the world, and implies perhaps the biggest promise God made to people. So what does that word hesed mean? And what is the promise? Explore how hesed dominates how God is described throughout the Bible, and how that provides a lens for looking at how we see God at work in the world.
People break promises all the time. Whether they never intended to keep them, or circumstances got in the way, the result is the same: broken trust. In this chapter, you’ll discover a key word in the Old Testament to describe God. The word is hesed. Learn how this word reminds us that God always keeps His promises.
In today’s world, people fall in and out of love all the time. Their affections sometime seem to change as quickly as their mood! But the Bible uses a word to describe God’s love as “steadfast.” In this chapter, the group talks about how hesed refers to God’s steadfast love!
There are many superlatives that could be used to describe God’s faithfulness, loyalty, and kindness. In this chapter, the group continues to emphasize a key word in the Old Testament that helps us find out more about who God is. The word is hesed.
The cry for justice is one we hear a lot today. And if a judge doesn’t deliver justice, is he really a good judge? Of course not! But the Bible assures us that our God is just. In this chapter, we discuss an important aspect of how just God is that’s reflected in the word hesed.
It sounds counterintuitive, but the more time we spend with the Scriptures, the more we realize that we have a lot to learn about what God is like. It’s like diving into the deepest part of the ocean! In this chapter, explore the incredible depth of God’s love and faithfulness as reflected in the word hesed.