It’s easy to make assumptions that aren’t always right, including in our faith. Even when we get it wrong, God is there to correct our focus back towards His truth. Continue along with Discover the Word as we dig into the reassurance we can find in Christ when we learn about the promises and knowledge that only He can give.
The apostle Paul worked tirelessly to protect the early church from false teachings that relied on man’s good works. In his letters he repeatedly reminds the church that salvation comes by grace alone, not by works! In this chapter, you’ll hear more about the one, true gospel message—the gospel of grace.
Before Jesus came to earth, the Jews came to think that a relationship with God was just for them. But Jesus expanded the invitation to all mankind! In this chapter, you’ll discover how God’s promise to Abraham blessed everyone on earth.
The Old Testament is filled with hundreds of laws that the Israelites were supposed to keep. But gratefully, we don’t have to! In this chapter, you’ll consider how the gospel of grace sets us free from the demands of the Law.
Some people believe you have to follow God’s Law in order to earn salvation. But if you read Galatians chapter 3, you’ll see why that’s an impossible task! In this chapter, you’ll see how God promised to bless the world through Christ long before the Law was established.
For thousands of years, the Jewish people lived under the Law. Then, Jesus came and established a new covenant. So why was the Law needed in the first place? In this chapter, you’ll consider the purpose of the Law and how it ultimately points us to our need for grace.