What comes to mind when you hear the words “prophet” and “prophecy?” Often we think of someone who is a spiritual meteorologist who forecasts history and writes it down before it happens. But bottom line, prophets and prophetesses were God’s messengers, delivering a message from God that most times people weren’t very excited to hear. During this series, Dr. David Turner joins the Discover the Word group to explore with us how Jesus was Israel’s last great prophet. How did they, and how will we, respond to the message He came to bring?
Israel’s Last Prophet: Jesus and the Jewish Leaders in Matthew 23
David L. Turner examines how Matthew has taken up Deuteronomic themes of prophetic rejection and judgment and woven them throughout the Gospel, particularly in Matthew 23.
Discover the Word invites you to join Bill Crowder, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, Rasool Berry, Vivian Mabuni, Mart DeHaan, and Brian Hettinga for weekly conversations that encourage and engage your exploration and discovery of the written and living Word of God.