August 19, 2015
Questions and answers. Sometimes we ask questions we already know the answer to. Sometimes we ask questions to reveal what the other person does not know! Today on “Discover the Word,” we explore how Jesus used questions and answers to reveal a man’s heart. Don’t miss this insightful conversation.
August 18, 2015
In as little as eight verses, Jesus turned the tables on a religious lawyer seeking to embarrass Him. Discover how Jesus god straight to the heart in all His interactions as we continue our series on the Good Samaritan.
August 17, 2015
As Jesus began telling the story of the Good Samaritan, his audience more than likely had expected a different hero than the one they got. Join us on “Discover the Word” as we take a look at Luke 10 to reveal the story-telling strategy of Jesus. Why does it seem that all the wrong characters in the story are getting things right?
July 17, 2015
Long ago one believer wrote about God, saying, “He has broken my teeth with gravel.” These are stark words! Today on “Discover the Word,” our hosts and our special guest, Jean Syswerda, provide a frank and striking discussion about suffering and praying the psalms in sorrow.
July 16, 2015
What is the psalm most frequently heard at funerals? You guessed it: Psalm 23. Today on “Discover the Word,” our special guest Jean Syswerda discusses how praying the psalms in our darkest hour can make a difference.
July 15, 2015
As strange as it seems, feeling forsaken by God is common to believers, but always painful. Join us today as we talk about finding our bearings by focusing on God’s faithful deliverance in the past. What can we learn by looking back?
July 14, 2015
Join us today as we talk about getting through grief and how the Bible gives hope when we find ourselves in the valley of the shadow of death. Don’t miss this important conversation!
July 13, 2015
When we go through a dark night of the soul, it can feel like God has abandoned us, like He’s hiding from our troubles. Join us today with our special guest, Jean Syswerda, as we learn how to pray the psalms during times of pain.
May 11, 2015
It’s been said you can live 40 days without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without air. But you can’t live 4 seconds without hope. Join our brand new series on “Discover the Word” as we discover our hope of Christ.
May 8, 2015
Have you ever felt abandoned by someone you cared about? It can be difficult recovering from that type of pain and disappointment. Join us today for an encouraging conversation on “Discover the Word.”