
  • How Jesus Related to Children Was Revolutionary

    March 2, 2020

    Nowadays, children’s ministries are an integral part of the local church. But during Jesus’s day, spending so much time with children was practically unheard of! Today on Discover the Word, the team considers how deep and revolutionary Jesus’s relationship with children was for His day and time. Join us for the series, “Jesus and Children”, today on Discover the Word!

  • Fascinating Books Of The Bible

    December 9, 2019

    The romance in Ruth, the mystery in Revelation, the wonder in the Gospels . . . the Bible certainly contains many fascinating stories. But today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Dr. Mark Young take a step back and discover that the whole of Scripture is an epic, remarkable, and redemptive story! […]

  • The Glory And Magnificence Of Jesus

    August 19, 2019

    Each of us sees Jesus in a slightly different way. But the apostle John gives us perhaps the most unique perspective of all. Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Con Campbell discuss how the gospel of John reveals the glory and magnificence of Jesus. Join us for the series, “John Revealing Jesus […]

  • Reading Scripture Without Losing The Original Meaning

    April 29, 2019

    When translating something from one language to another, it’s easy to lose the original meaning. So how can we be confident when reading Scripture, since what we’re reading is a translation from the original? Today on Discover the Word, we welcome a dear friend back to the table. Alice Mathews helps us get back to the basics […]

  • Being Filled With The Fullness Of God

    February 2, 2019

    Perhaps you’ve experienced moments in life that were filled with emotion . . . with joy, with sadness, with excitement, with fear. But have you ever been filled with the fullness of God? Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day begin a new study in the book of Ephesians about the effect […]

  • What Qualifies A Marriage As Being Christian?

    July 28, 2008

    Going through a Christian wedding ceremony in a church does not necessarily make for a Christian marriage. Let’s tackle what does make a Christian marriage.