April 30, 2018
Imagine you went to the mailbox today and found a personal invitation to the upcoming Royal Wedding. How would you respond? Well, today on Discover the Word, the team kicks off a new series of discussions about an invitation that has been extended to you, from the King of Kings. How are you going to […]
April 19, 2018
From preschool to adulthood, submission to authority isn’t all that popular. But today on Discover the Word, we’ll see how God calls us to submit to governing authorities and when we’re called to resist. Learn to live in the tension of being a citizen of heaven living on earth when you tune in to Discover […]
April 10, 2018
In baseball, pitchers are usually considered the most important player on the team. But are they? A team made up of only pitchers would lose every single game. And today on Discover the Word, we’ll see that like a sports team . . . the church needs diversity to succeed. Tune in to discover the […]