November 12, 2014
We want to be a brightly burning fire for God every day. So when we cannot sustain that intensity, we end up feeling guilty. Discover why we don’t need to be on fire all the time to enjoy a passionate faith.
November 11, 2014
Firestorms often come unexpectedly. And they leave ash, rubble, and devastation in their wake. But within the ruins, we find surprising signs of hope.
November 10, 2014
What’s your faith look like right now? Is it a small, flickering flame? Or a roaring wildfire? It’s the beginning of a brand-new study, “Unquenchable.”
October 24, 2014
When your mouth is dry, your tongue is parched, and the temperature starts to rise, only one thing can satisfy your thirst.
October 23, 2014
Let’s continue our study of John chapter 4. We’ll listen in on a conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well. Jesus cuts through our defenses and interruptions in order to reach our hearts.
October 22, 2014
No one likes to be alone. And in order to make the loneliness go away, we can make some bad choices!
October 21, 2014
People today are still divided across economic, ethnic, and religious lines. And there can be taboos about crossing those barriers. Let’s learn from Jesus’ example.
October 20, 2014
Many of us still carry around the baggage of past disappointments, painful losses, and fresh failures. Feeling weighed down?
August 22, 2014
Parents know that young kids won’t volunteer to take naps. Even if a child is exhausted, he’ll resist slowing down. Often, mom and dad may have to make a child lay down! God knows when we need the rest!
August 21, 2014
Ever wished you had a secret place you could run to, in order to escape the chaos of life? Or to simply catch your breath? Well, discover that such a place exists, and is waiting for you!