
  • What does having a heart for God look like?

    July 27, 2016

    What does having a heart for God look like? Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss King David’s song of hopeful faith—Psalm 27. David starts out talking about his God, declaring his confidence in God’s deliverance. But in the end, he responds to his God. Explore why that’s an important distinction to make . . […]

  • Jesus . . . the Light of the World

    July 26, 2016

    Unlike the Bible’s King David, most of us haven’t had to face problems like our adult child chasing us down to kill us, or the leader of our country ordering our assassination! But we do have our dark days filled with problems and challenges. Today on Discover the Word, we will reinforce how in those […]

  • Waiting for the Lord’s deliverance

    July 25, 2016

    Hope and faith—two pretty important words in the Christian’s vocabulary. And today on Discover the Word, we will look at Psalm 27 where we find King David in a time of crisis. In this song, David expresses both hope—that translates to courage, and faith—the act of waiting for the Lord’s deliverance. Psalm 27—a song of hopeful […]

  • How do we balance a merciful and just God?

    February 29, 2016

    Did you know that the most common prayer in the Bible is a prayer asking God for mercy? So how do we balance a God who has a reputation for being merciful, who also is a God who loves justice? Today on “Discover the Word,” we welcome our special guest, pastor and author Robert Gelinas to the table to begin a two-week study called, “Mercy Prayer.” Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

  • Our need for God’s love and forgiveness

    January 15, 2016

    Although God called David “a man after his own heart,” David still messed up, royally! But he also knew how to repent. Is having a heart after God about perfection or is it about understanding our need for God’s love and forgiveness? Today, we conclude our discussion with “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman, on how David learned to know God as a child. It’s a valuable discussion for any parent who wants to teach their child God’s ways.

  • David as a child learner

    January 14, 2016

    When David talked about “the law of God,” was he talking about the Ten Commandments or something more? Today on “Discover the Word,” we will examine, along with “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman, Psalm 19 to find the answer. “David As a Child Learner,” that’s the topic today.

  • Why God chose David as king over Israel

    January 13, 2016

    David wasn’t the first choice in his family to be Israel’s king. Was he overlooked because he was so young? Or because they needed him out in the field, tending sheep? Whatever the reason, it’s clear God chose David to be the next king because of what He saw inside of him, not what was on the outside. Don’t miss the conversation with our guest Crystal Bowman. That’s today on “Discover the Word.”

  • Experiencing God through nature

    January 12, 2016

    Who taught David about God when he was young? Today, “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman joins us to discuss what you can learn about David’s early experiences with God through his lyrics in the Psalms. And one of the ways God spoke to him was through nature, while he was tending sheep. Don’t miss the discussion today on “Discover the Word”!

  • The childhood faith of David

    January 11, 2016

    King David was a mighty man of faith, but he wasn’t an overnight success, he learned God’s ways throughout his youth. Today on “Discover the Word” we begin our discussion with special guest, “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman on the childhood faith of David. What did David mean when he said, “Since my youth, God, you have taught me”? Join the study today on “Discover the Word”!

  • His only Son

    December 25, 2015

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we celebrate Christmas and wind up the series “For God So Loved.” The chapter with the Bible’s most familiar verse has provided the context for our conversations for Christmas this year. John 3:16 of course gives us the reason why Jesus came, but you’ll discover the surprising way John chapter 3 concludes when you join us today on “Discover the Word”!