October 12, 2016
We all know someone who we would really like to see come to Christ. Today on Discover the Word, we address the three most common barriers that people erect against accepting Jesus. Whether it’s emotional, intellectual, or volitional, people have their reasons. Overcoming barriers that keep us from “Carrying Our Friends to Christ.” Join the group […]
October 11, 2016
“There’s only one path to God, and that’s Jesus. But there are many paths to Jesus.” Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how “Carrying Our Friends to Christ” involves coming alongside them in ways that are meaningful to them. And as we’ll see in the story of a paralyzed man in Mark chapter […]
October 10, 2016
Have you ever felt that a loved one’s faith in Christ was all up to you? And then felt guilty when you grew weary of praying about it day after day? Today on Discover the Word, we begin a new series in Mark chapter 2. Just as the paralyzed man had to be physically carried […]
August 31, 2016
It sounds wrong, but sometimes it really does take effort to rest! But can we draw closer to Jesus without rest? This week on Discover the Word, the group discusses what Jesus meant when He said “My yoke is easy, My burden is light.” How can we “Rest Well”? Join us today for Discover the Word!
August 30, 2016
Suppose you receive an engraved invitation in the mail. It’s from Jesus and it says, “Come to My house and rest.” Sounds nice, but since you don’t know what He necessarily means by “rest,” you keep referring back to your “To Do” list. You’re thinking, Do I even have time for rest? Today on Discover […]
August 29, 2016
Do you struggle to find time to rest? Well, you’re not alone! Today on Discover the Word, join the group as they discuss the concept of Sabbath rest. For some, the idea of rest may sound almost un-American! After all, if we’re not doing something then we’re not being productive, right? Join the team as […]
August 5, 2016
Have you ever wondered if Peter, the fisherman, wondered why Jesus the carpenter, was telling him how to catch fish? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll discuss how God uses our doubts and fears to reveal who He really is. He’s not just a good teacher, but Lord and Master of all! That’s today on Discover the […]
August 4, 2016
Is God more interested in what He’s doing through you or what He’s doing in you? Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss the symbiotic relationship between Jesus’s personal ministry to us and our willingness to share the fruits of that work with others, even when our hearts aren’t always in it!
August 3, 2016
Everyone has tasks they don’t like. And there’s usually not much to marvel at in the mundane. Or is there? Today on Discover the Word, we examine the idea that even in boring, everyday activities, like Peter cleaning his fishing nets, Jesus shows up. We may not know when or how but we need to be ready! Learn how […]
August 2, 2016
What, or who, is in your boat? Today on Discover the Word, we will discuss how Jesus commandeered Peter’s fishing boat to deliver a message to people hungry to hear a word from God. Could God use something in your everyday life to bring a fresh revelation of His love? Because when Jesus is on board, […]