June 12, 2014
It’s a dad’s job to fix what’s broken. But what can a father do when he’s powerless to heal his own family? Let’s look at a conversation between Jesus and a desperate dad with an overwhelming need.
June 11, 2014
When our son or daughter is sick all we want to do is take away their pain. We try to soothe the sickness away. But sometimes the illness is so severe, we’re rendered helpless.
June 10, 2014
Parenting isn’t easy! This day-in-day-out job can leave even the strongest mom or dad weary. Let’s compare and contrast God the Father and Jesus with an earthly father and son, and provide encouragement for parents.
June 9, 2014
Being a dad is a tough job. It seems everyone has a different opinion on what qualities make up a good father. Hear a study in Mark chapter 9.
March 7, 2014
Some chapters of life we’d be proud to share with others. And then there are the pages filled with regret and longing, with wayward decisions we’d prefer not to share with anyone. A lesson from the life of Samson.
March 6, 2014
You may have grown up hearing the story of Samson and Delilah. The mistakes and poor decisions Samson made seem to live on in infamy. In truth, his life serves as a cautionary tale about indulging our sinful desires.
March 5, 2014
There are some mistakes we may think are past redemption. But when God’s involved, He can use even those most wayward decisions to further His plan! A message of hope.
March 4, 2014
If you’ve ever experienced a broken dream, a bitter disappointment, or a crushing regret then you know what it’s like to experience unfulfilled expectations. Let’s walk the trail of broken promises Samson left behind him, and reveal how God redeemed each one!
March 3, 2014
The men and women found in Scripture can act as mirrors. The more we gaze at them . . . the more we see ourselves, and our desperate need for a Savior! Join us for a brand-new series.