
  • “Prison religion”

    May 18, 2016

    When an inmate “gets religion” to help his or her chances for parole, what they have is often called “prison religion,” where post-release Jesus gets left behind. Today on “Discover the Word,” the group, and Institute for Prison Ministries director Karen Swanson, talks about “prison religion” and also wants to know, when your circumstances change for the better, where is Jesus in your life? “Discover the Word” today!

  • Perpetrators and victims of sin

    May 17, 2016

    While victims of crime can struggle with anger and bitterness, the criminal can wrestle with the shame and the guilt of what they’ve done. And both end up being imprisoned by the things they battle. Today on “Discover the Word,” the group, and special guest Karen Swanson, talks about how we’re both perpetrators of sin and victims of sin, making us all prisoners, until Christ sets us free. Join the study today on “Discover the Word”!

  • “We’re all prisoners, until Christ sets us free”

    May 16, 2016

    Imagine being forced to live 24/7 in a room the size of your bathroom. Sounds like prison, right? Today on “Discover the Word,” the group and special guest, director of the Institute for Prison Ministries, Karen Swanson, compare the confinement of a prison cell with the spiritual prison we confine ourselves to through our own wrong choices. “We’re All Prisoners, Until Christ Sets Us Free”—join that study today on “Discover the Word”!

  • Context is king!

    April 22, 2016

    If your friends around the table could only give you one piece of advice about how to read and study the Bible, what do you think it would be? Most likely, it would be “Pay attention to the context!” and so today on “Discover the Word,” we remember that context is king! Listen today on “Discover the Word”!

  • What to do with conflicting Bible verses

    April 21, 2016

    What are we to do with conflicting Bible verses like, “Don’t answer a fool according to his folly” and “Answer a fool according to his folly”? Today on “Discover the Word,” we begin a “Discover the Word 101” conversation that can help you make sense of even apparent contradictions in the Bible! Join the group today on “Discover the Word”!

  • Embrace God’s original vision for His sons

    April 20, 2016

    How do we shed cultural definitions of masculinity and instead embrace God’s original vision for His sons? Well, today on “Discover the Word,” the group along with author Carolyn Custis James conclude their study called “Malestrom.” It’s a hopeful discussion you won’t want to miss. That’s today on “Discover the Word”!

  • How did Jesus model true manhood?

    April 19, 2016

    When we talk about Jesus, it’s mostly in association with the major events of His life: His birth, death, and resurrection. But what about all those years between His birth and His death? What kind of person was Jesus; how did He live as a man? Today on “Discover the Word,” the group and guest Carolyn Custis James discuss how Jesus often upset preconceived ideas about how a man should act. Discover how Jesus modeled true manhood today on “Discover the Word”!

  • Cultural expectations of a man

    April 18, 2016

    We all have a script we’d like to see work out for our lives. And Joseph of Nazareth likely had one too. But you can be sure his script didn’t include having his teenage fiancée come to him claiming she was pregnant–by God! Today on “Discover the Word,” the group and author Carolyn Custis James continue their study called “Malestrom” by exploring how Joseph battled the Malestrom and his culture’s expectations of what he should do as a man. Join us today on “Discover the Word”!

  • Being treated like outsiders

    April 15, 2016

    Have you ever felt marginalized because of your gender? Well, today on “Discover the Word,” the group continues their series called “Malestrom” by observing that both women and men can be treated like outsiders because of their gender. Today on “Discover the Word,” the group and author Carolyn Custis James discuss how that happens today even in church. Join us today on “Discover the Word”!

  • When power is used to protect

    April 14, 2016

    In the story of Ruth, she’s an outsider, a woman, and a non-Jew. In contrast, Boaz was male, Jewish, and a person of power and influence. Today on “Discover the Word,” we, along with our guest Carolyn Custis James, explore this familiar story through the lens of what happens when power is used not to corrupt but to protect the vulnerable. Be part of the conversation today on “Discover the Word”!