April 1, 2019
For centuries, Israel had been conditioned to look for a certain kind of Messiah. Today on Discover the Word, we will explore what Israel expected in a Messiah . . . and what they got instead. Join us for the start of a new series called, “Great Expectations,” today on Discover the Word!
March 4, 2019
The story of Jonah is one of the most fantastic tales in the Bible. But could such a bizarre story really be true? Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss whether Jonah was a historical person and whether his encounter with a great fish really took place. Was Jonah a real dude? Join the group […]
February 4, 2019
The phrase “the struggle is real” conjures up images of day-to-day frustrations. But what if our struggles are meant to point us to God? Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and author Nicole Unice begin a series called, “The Struggle Is Real.” It’s an honest discussion about what it means to trust in the Lord, […]
February 4, 2019
This current moment of history is one of the most polarized, fragmented seasons in recent times. But God’s desire is for His people to be of one heart and one mind. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day consider how certain psalms helped unify the Israelites as they came together for celebration […]
February 4, 2019
Following Christ . . . starts with answering His call. What could He be calling you to do? Monday/Today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day look at what it means to be “called,” how Jesus called the first disciples . . . and what the implications are […]
February 4, 2019
We all have to make decisions. But when you find yourself “Standing at the Crossroads,” how do you determine which way to go? Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder kick off a new series about the prophet Jeremiah. They’re dissecting the ancient wisdom that helped him make godly decisions.
February 3, 2019
Most days, we pack our schedules so tight . . . there’s barely enough time to eat. Yet, God urges us to set aside intentional time for rest and relaxation. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and special guest Jeff Manion explore how honoring the principle of Sabbath can help us live a faithful life
February 2, 2019
From walking with Adam in the Garden of Eden . . . to dwelling with the Israelites in the Tabernacle . . . to coming to earth in the form of a man . . . God has always expressed a desire to dwell with His people.
February 2, 2019
When cancer strikes, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed. Yet when we turn to God . . . we often find that He’s already gone ahead and prepared the way. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and special guest, author and cancer survivor Vivian Mabuni discuss how sometimes it takes a crisis to show us that our merciful […]
February 2, 2019
If we’re following Jesus, we can be confident we’ll arrive exactly where we need to be. But how can we be sure of the way . . . especially when the journey gets rather stormy?! Monday/Today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder turn to the book of Acts . . […]