
  • Misreading Scripture

    March 1, 2021

    With so many English translations available, it’s easy to forget that the Bible wasn’t written in our language. And today on Discover the Word, the team, and authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien explain that when we fail to consider the context in which the Bible was written, we can run into some serious misconceptions! […]

  • Discovering Our Mission In A World That Needs Jesus

    June 1, 2020

    Do you sometimes feel that, as a Christian, you’re at war with the culture around you? Well, today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Darrell Bock explore how to best engage with a sometimes-hostile culture. Darrell shifts the paradigm of who the enemy really is and what our mission is in a […]

  • If You Could Ask Jesus One Thing

    March 30, 2020

    If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be? Maybe you would ask Him why something specific happened in your life, or how things might have turned out differently. Today on Discover the Word, the teams, and special guest Rasool Berry take a look at a lawyer in the New Testament who actually […]

  • Israel’s History And Heartbreak

    February 10, 2020

    The Old Testament is filled with timeless stories, like Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel. But it’s also filled with some very difficult passages that we tend to skip over. So, today on Discover the Word, the team will turn to Ezra chapter 10 to wrestle with a heartbreaking chapter of Israel’s history. Tune in today […]

  • Discover Unique Promises Wrapped Up In The Name Of Christ

    December 23, 2019

    What’s in a name? Well, when it comes to the name of Jesus, everything! Today on Discover the Word, we will begin some conversations for Christmas titled “Christmas Names,” looking at the unique significance and amazing promises wrapped up in the names of Christ. The conversation is sure to surprise you! Join us today for […]

  • Fascinating Books Of The Bible

    December 9, 2019

    The romance in Ruth, the mystery in Revelation, the wonder in the Gospels . . . the Bible certainly contains many fascinating stories. But today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Dr. Mark Young take a step back and discover that the whole of Scripture is an epic, remarkable, and redemptive story! […]

  • The Glory And Magnificence Of Jesus

    August 19, 2019

    Each of us sees Jesus in a slightly different way. But the apostle John gives us perhaps the most unique perspective of all. Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Con Campbell discuss how the gospel of John reveals the glory and magnificence of Jesus. Join us for the series, “John Revealing Jesus […]

  • The Joy Of God’s Correction

    May 6, 2019

    Nobody likes being corrected. And most people would choose just about anything over being disciplined! Today on Discover the Word, the group begins a study in Psalm 32, in which King David talks about the joy of God’s correction. Really? The joy of correction? Is this an oxymoron? Find out today on Discover the Word!

  • Reading Scripture Without Losing The Original Meaning

    April 29, 2019

    When translating something from one language to another, it’s easy to lose the original meaning. So how can we be confident when reading Scripture, since what we’re reading is a translation from the original? Today on Discover the Word, we welcome a dear friend back to the table. Alice Mathews helps us get back to the basics […]

  • Going Back To The Basics – “The Word Of God”

    March 18, 2019

    When you hear the term “the Word of God” what comes to mind? Likely, you think “Bible,” right? But when you read the term “the Word of God” in the Bible, is it always referring to the Scriptures?