April 10, 2018
In baseball, pitchers are usually considered the most important player on the team. But are they? A team made up of only pitchers would lose every single game. And today on Discover the Word, we’ll see that like a sports team . . . the church needs diversity to succeed. Tune in to discover the […]
March 13, 2018
Today on Discover the Word, psychologist and author Karen Mason rejoins the team for another discussion on assisting those struggling with depression and mental health issues. Gain an informed and compassionate perspective for walking alongside those in the grip of depression. Don’t miss the next conversation in our series “Reasons to Live” today on Discover […]
February 5, 2018
Honest Abe, Doubting Thomas, the Good Samaritan! These monikers bring to mind some powerful testimonies. Today on Discover the Word, the team will gather to discuss a story we’re so familiar with, it’s become a part of our language. But is there something we’ve missed in the Good Samaritan story? Tune in today to Discover […]
January 15, 2018
God doesn’t hold us at arm’s length but invites us to come near to Him. And today the Discover the Word team welcomes author Kim Cash Tate to the table. Kim leads the discussion on how we can have a truly intimate relationship with God. Catch the first conversation in this series titled “Cling” when […]
November 20, 2017
If you want to know more about a person, it’s often a good idea to look at who their friends are. So today on Discover the Word, we will ask the questions, who wrote the gospel of Mark and what was he like? The answer to the first question is fairly obvious. To answer the […]
October 30, 2017
Studies reveal that most people struggle with their self-image to a certain degree. So it stands to reason that how we see ourselves and how God sees us doesn’t always match up! Today on Discover the Word, we will be led in the discussion about what it means to be a “Beauty Full Being.” Listen today […]
October 26, 2017
Today on Discover the Word, we welcome Darrell Bock back to the table to discuss how as Christians we’re called to engage the world around us. And as we near the end of this two-week conversation, Darrell will bring us back to the basics. Explore the basic message of the gospel, and how our “Engagement” […]
October 25, 2017
Have you ever put your foot in your mouth? Of course, you have. We’ve all felt the pain of speaking with the wrong tone or motive. And today on Discover the Word, Darrell Bock warns us that when we trip over our reckless words, we’re actually falling into the trap of the devil. Discover how […]
October 24, 2017
In today’s conversation on Discover the Word, they’re not trying to raise your sodium levels, but they will call believers to “season their words with salt.” Because how we say things matters! Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series with Darrell Bock titled, “Engagement.” Explore the surprising emphasis of the New Testament on “tone-ology” […]
October 23, 2017
Would you agree that how you say something is as important as what you say? Well, today on Discover the Word, Dr. Darrell Bock joins us at the table to talk about how we can match our tone to our message. We’re learning to share God’s truth with God’s heart. And tone matters—a lot! Another […]