
  • A Message of Victory

    October 23, 2015

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss the last verse of Psalm 22, where David ends his agonizing song about the suffering Messiah with a message of victory. The psalm concludes on a high note, “Posterity will serve Him; future generations will be told about the Lord. They will proclaim His righteousness to a people yet unborn, for He has done it!” The amazing way Psalm 22 describes a “suffering Savior”—listen today on “Discover the Word”!

  • How Jesus Endured the Cross

    October 22, 2015

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about the intense physical violence Jesus endured on the cross, described in Psalm 22, 2,000 years before the actual event. This was long before crucifixion was even invented. While the film “The Passion of the Christ” gave us a graphic taste of that horrific event, it was still a tame depiction of what actually transpired. Join us right here on “Discover the Word”!

  • Jesus, Fully Divine and Fully Human

    Jesus, Fully Divine and Fully Human

    October 21, 2015

    Jesus was both fully divine and fully human. Which means He wasn’t immune to experiencing human emotions. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss the intensity of these emotions as David foretold in Psalm 22. Phrases like “I’m a worm . . . scorned by men . . . despised by people,” give us graphic word pictures of Christ’s very real distress on the cross.

  • When Jesus Felt Utterly Alone

    When Jesus Felt Utterly Alone

    October 20, 2015

    We all need solitude sometimes. But we wouldn’t like it 24/7, especially if that solitude was a form of punishment. Yet even a prisoner in solitary confinement for a lifetime would not suffer as Jesus did. On the cross, God the Father turned His face from His only Son, leaving Jesus utterly alone. On “Discover the Word,” we will talk about when Jesus was “deserted,” as foreshadowed in Psalm 22. Listen today to “Discover the Word”!

  • The Cross from Jesus’ Perspective

    The Cross from Jesus’ Perspective

    October 19, 2015

    What’s in a song? A lot when that song is Psalm 22. This Old Testament song of lament points us to a future event on the cross. Just as we can see in Isaiah 53 Jesus’ suffering from the Father’s perspective in Psalm 22, we get a glimpse of the agony of the cross from Jesus’ point of view. Today on “Discover the Word”!

  • Praying when crushed by sorrow

    July 17, 2015

    Long ago one believer wrote about God, saying, “He has broken my teeth with gravel.” These are stark words! Today on “Discover the Word,” our hosts and our special guest, Jean Syswerda, provide a frank and striking discussion about suffering and praying the psalms in sorrow.

  • Strength and comfort in times of great sorrow

    July 16, 2015

    What is the psalm most frequently heard at funerals? You guessed it: Psalm 23. Today on “Discover the Word,” our special guest Jean Syswerda discusses how praying the psalms in our darkest hour can make a difference.

  • Finding our bearings when we feel forsaken by God

    July 15, 2015

    As strange as it seems, feeling forsaken by God is common to believers, but always painful. Join us today as we talk about finding our bearings by focusing on God’s faithful deliverance in the past. What can we learn by looking back?

  • Trusting God when life turns upside down and sideways

    July 14, 2015

    Join us today as we talk about getting through grief and how the Bible gives hope when we find ourselves in the valley of the shadow of death. Don’t miss this important conversation!

  • How do we survive heart-rending grief?

    July 13, 2015

    When we go through a dark night of the soul, it can feel like God has abandoned us, like He’s hiding from our troubles. Join us today with our special guest, Jean Syswerda, as we learn how to pray the psalms during times of pain.