November 16, 2015
In the story of Mary and the alabaster jar in Mark 14, Jesus says, “She did what she could.” It’s a story about an act of devotion that was actually reasonable in light of Mary’s deep love for Jesus. You’re invited to join the group on “Discover the Word” as we begin the discussion on Mary of Bethany and how her life speaks to us today.
August 31, 2015
In our waking hours, we spend about eight to ten hours at work. Work occupies a large part of our lives. Today, special guest Scott Rae joins us to talk about our work as both a calling and a vocation. Listen in as we discuss some life-changing concepts.
August 28, 2015
This week we’ve been talking about how to share the gospel in a pluralistic culture. It’s the same challenge that the apostle Paul faced in his day.
August 27, 2015
When the nation of Israel was exiled to Babylon, Jeremiah gave the Jewish leaders unexpected direction. He said, “Seek the peace of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its peace you will have peace.” Listen in as we continue our series on Acts 17.
August 26, 2015
Are you a chameleon? That is to say, do you change your behavior depending on who you’re with? Is that always bad? Join us as we continue learning from Paul this week.
August 25, 2015
“For God so loved the world” is a phrase we’re used to hearing. Throughout the pages of the Bible, God speaks of His love and compassion for everyone. Don’t miss this important discussion.
August 24, 2015
Our world is changing, and change is difficult. So what should our attitude be as we face all the changes in the culture around us? Join us as we start a new series in Acts 17, calling Christians to engage the world.
May 22, 2015
In the book of James, we find a radical definition of religion. True religion is not simply knowing about God, but rather, trusting in God. Join us today on “Discover the Word” as we conclude our series on “Pure Religion.”
May 21, 2015
When painful trials put your faith to the test, what is the one thing you need most? Join our special guest, Mark Young, on “Discover the Word” as we discuss why God’s wisdom is essential in trying times.
May 20, 2015
Life is full of trials. Some are small frustrations and others are painful roadblocks. On our program today, our special guest Mark Young explains how our trials help us see God better. Join us today and learn how to look past the pain!