
  • How do we share that the gospel really is “good news”?

    October 20, 2017

    The Bible tells us that Jesus came to bring abundant life! So how do we live that life with today’s post-Christian culture? And how do we best convince that culture that the gospel really is “good news”? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll wrap up the first week of their series “Engagement” with Darrell Bock. […]

  • Sharing God’s grace in a whole new way

    October 19, 2017

    Ever wonder how to offer truth and love to a hostile culture? Today on Discover the Word, we continue our conversation with Darrell Bock, as we learn to share God’s grace in a whole new way. It’s a strategy we’d probably never come up with on our own. Be sure to join your friends at the […]

  • How do we engage a broken world?

    October 18, 2017

    How do we successfully engage a broken world? Today on Discover the Word, Darrell Bock shares with us that Christians don’t need to be perfect to be ambassadors for Christ. And pretending otherwise might have disastrous consequences. It’s a discussion about authentic transformation . . . today on Discover the Word!

  • How do we effectively represent God to our culture?

    October 17, 2017

    What does it mean to be an ambassador for Christ? And how do we effectively represent God to our culture? Today on Discover the Word, we continue the two-week series with Darrell Bock titled,  “Engagement.” It’s a paradigm shift in our understanding of the “culture war” in which we find ourselves. Be part of the […]

  • How do we best engage the culture around us?

    October 16, 2017

    Does it sometimes feel that, as Christians, we’re at war with the culture around us? Well, today the Discover the Word team sits down with seminary professor and New Testament scholar Darrell Bock to explore how to best engage with the culture around us. Darrell shifts the paradigm of who the enemy really is and […]

  • Fishing for people

    July 7, 2017

    Ask anyone who’s caught a lot of fish, and they’ll tell you that the key to their success is patience. And today on Discover the Word, the team delves deeper into this secret to becoming better at “fishing for people.” It’s part of the series titled “Fishing Tips.” Join us for the exciting conclusion and […]

  • Sharing our faith in Christ

    July 6, 2017

    Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series titled “Fishing Tips” about sharing our faith in Christ. We’re observing how Jesus draws people to Himself using His favorite “bait.” What is His favorite bait? Find out, and learn why every believer can “go fish” like Jesus, by joining us right here on Discover the […]

  • Making “fishers of men”

    July 5, 2017

    Some people just have the gift of gab. They can talk readily and easily about almost anything with almost anybody! But for many of us, sharing our faith seems daunting. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll share insights on how to get comfortable showing and telling others about our faith. Be inspired by listening today to Discover the Word!

  • The alien among us

    July 4, 2017

    When you think of “aliens,” you probably picture little green men from far off galaxies or scary creatures in outer space. But today on Discover the Word, the team considers how Jesus calls those who are far off spiritually—aliens—into his family. A different way of thinking about “aliens” when you listen to Discover the Word!

  • “Fishing Tips”

    July 3, 2017

    When Jesus first called His disciples that were in the fishing business, He promised they’d become “fishers of men,” but what does that really mean? Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off a brand-new series titled, “Fishing Tips.” It’s all about sharing your faith with others and trusting God to do the rest. […]