August 23, 2013
Worry and anxiety are natural human emotions. But according to Scripture, God provides for our needs so that we don’t have to lose ourselves in worry! Turn to Matthew 6, another journey into the Sermon on the Mount.
August 22, 2013
Every church has a theology, or philosophy, of interpreting the Scriptures. And if we’re not careful, those doctrinal persuasions can divide the church!
August 21, 2013
From bills and bank accounts, to doctors and discouragements, this world has given us a lot to worry about! A timely lesson from the Sermon on the Mount.
August 20, 2013
If you were to write down the things you’re worried about, you could probably generate a list a mile long.
August 19, 2013
Daily Bible verses and snippets of Scripture can inspire and challenge us. But all the individual passages in Scripture add up to one grand story: God’s story! A perspective-changing discussion.
October 26, 2012
When we complete our workweek we want to receive what we deserve, a week’s paycheck. It’s a just reward for what we’ve done.
October 25, 2012
Let’s be honest, when we’ve done something good we want a pat on the back. Even in spiritual matters, it’s hard not to expect God to reward us for our work! An insightful discovery about God’s grace.
October 24, 2012
If we’re completely honest with ourselves, most of us have wondered “What’s in it for me?”, even when contemplating following Jesus Christ. We don’t like to admit it, but it’s a natural question that arises particularly when we’re facing tough times. Let’s attempt to answer this interesting query.
October 23, 2012
It’s truly amazing how God gives us what we don’t deserve, His unending grace, and doesn’t give us what we do deserve, His wrath.
October 22, 2012
It’s human nature to have a keen sense of fairness. Hard work deserves a favorable outcome. But when the promotion doesn’t come, our sense of fairness is slighted.