
  • Discover the hope that doesn’t disappoint

    Discover the hope that doesn’t disappoint

    October 15, 2015

    Let’s talk about how pain can have purpose. No one likes to suffer, but suffering can actually be productive if we allow it to be. Difficult times can produce perseverance, that refines our character, that then results in hope. And when that hope is fixed on God, it’s a hope that doesn’t disappoint.

  • The power of heartfelt prayer

    The power of heartfelt prayer

    October 14, 2015

    The Bible tells us in First Corinthians that we’re to comfort others with the same comfort we’ve received from God. But sometimes we need a push to do that. Let’s discuss the power of heartfelt prayer and how Vivian’s desperate, middle-of-the-night cry to God delivered a miraculous result.

  • Living out our faith with other believers

    Living out our faith with other believers

    October 13, 2015

    In our individualistic culture, it’s sometimes hard to ask for help even when we need it the most. Let’s talk about why Christianity is not a faith to be lived out all by our lonesome. The “fellowship of believers” is not a social club—it’s an “us” versus “I” living organism, designed by God, to bring healing and grace even in hopeless situations.

  • How God goes before a crisis

    How God goes before a crisis

    October 12, 2015

    When cancer strikes, most people feel overwhelmed, incapable of coping. Yet for those who turn to God they often find He’s already gone ahead and prepared the way, easing their burden. Let’s discuss how sometimes it takes a crisis for us to look back and see how God has orchestrated certain events for His purposes and our spiritual growth.

  • Discover why we are Beauty Full Beings

    September 28, 2015

    Statistics show that ninety-one percent of women don’t see themselves as beautiful. Yet when God created Adam and Eve, He said they were “very good.” Join us as we explore why, since the Fall, it’s so easy to believe the lie whispered to Eve, “If God loved you . . .”

  • How the wisdom of true sincerity allows God to work

    September 25, 2015

    A famous journalist once said about sincerity, “If you can fake it, you’ve got it made.” But is sincerity something you can really fake?

  • The wisdom of impartiality

    September 24, 2015

    Each person is valued by God and should be made to feel that way. It’s not manipulative or artificial to make someone feel important, it’s wise. You’re meeting that person’s heart hunger to be loved. God is no respecter of persons and neither should we be.

  • The wisdom of mercy

    September 23, 2015

    Greek thought viewed mercy as pity for those who were suffering unjustly. But Jesus introduced a new concept, mercy for those who are in trouble, even if that trouble is their own fault. We’ll see how the combined “good fruits” of wisdom ultimately reach their maturity in a harvest of mercy.

  • Let’s contrast the wisdom of joy and earthly wisdom

    September 22, 2015

    In the midst of conflict, it’s hard to get the right perspective. Let’s contrast the “pure and peaceable” wisdom from above with the “earthly and unspiritual” wisdom from below. One is “easily entreated” and furthers our relationships. The other is harsh, driving people apart.

  • Discover the importance of gentleness

    September 21, 2015

    To some, Jesus is a gentle lamb. To others, He’s a roaring lion. To the sinner in need of grace, Jesus’ strength was shown in His gentleness towards them. But to the religious leaders who were proud of their own righteousness, He was someone to be feared.