December 4, 2014
Parents are supposed to want the best for their children. Let’s study a mom and dad who weren’t exactly happy about their son’s miraculous healing!
December 3, 2014
Some saw him as a culprit to blame. Others viewed him as a mystery to solve. But the religious leaders saw the blind man in John chapter 9 as a problem to avoid! Do we view them as people to love or interruptions to ignore?
December 2, 2014
Scripture tells us that God often works in mysterious ways. Why we don’t need to know all the reasons to appreciate God’s amazing work.
December 1, 2014
We’re quick to look for a scapegoat when life falls apart. When trials and troubles come, we often speculate on all the reasons why. Join us for a brand-new series on John chapter 9.
November 28, 2014
Let’s conclude a study on John chapter 8 and the story of the woman caught in adultery. What we’ll find in this passage is a remarkable display of both the truth and grace of Christ.
November 27, 2014
She had been caught red-handed. Exposed publicly for her sin of adultery, the woman in John 8 certainly didn’t expect any mercy from Jesus or the crowd.
November 26, 2014
From a human perspective, there was no good solution. Jesus shouldn’t forgive the woman caught in adultery, but He wouldn’t condemn her either! Our series in John chapter 8 continues.
November 25, 2014
Ever notice how easy it is to mix up our priorities? It happens when we love things and use people, instead of loving people and using things!
November 24, 2014
Rather than help her privately, the religious leaders decided to use a broken woman to trap Jesus publicly! Don’t miss the start of this dramatic story.
November 21, 2014
There are times in life when our burdens and trials have drained us, and we feel like we cannot take another step. Discover biblical encouragement to keep going! Join the group for the final conversation in our series, “Unquenchable.”