November 13, 2014
As a popular speaker, author, and Bible teacher, Carol’s faith was on fire. But then a trial came that threatened to extinguish her flame.
November 12, 2014
We want to be a brightly burning fire for God every day. So when we cannot sustain that intensity, we end up feeling guilty. Discover why we don’t need to be on fire all the time to enjoy a passionate faith.
November 11, 2014
Firestorms often come unexpectedly. And they leave ash, rubble, and devastation in their wake. But within the ruins, we find surprising signs of hope.
November 10, 2014
What’s your faith look like right now? Is it a small, flickering flame? Or a roaring wildfire? It’s the beginning of a brand-new study, “Unquenchable.”
October 17, 2014
Have you ever noticed that baptism is always a public event? You never hear of someone baptizing themselves in the bathtub!
October 16, 2014
We may believe we’re cherished children of God. But do we live like it? Do you need to be reminded of your identity in Christ?
October 15, 2014
It’s hard to believe that a perfect God would use imperfect people to accomplish His plans. But it’s true!
October 14, 2014
Baptism can be a powerful declaration of faith. But take God out of the equation, and baptism becomes simply an empty ritual. Gain a new perspective.
October 13, 2014
Let’s begin a brand-new conversation on a puzzling Christian practice. We’ll look at Jesus’ own baptism for the answer.
July 28, 2014
God uses countless metaphors to describe His Word. And each one offers insight into the power of Scripture. Another insightful dialogue.