
  • The two women from Shunem

    May 6, 2016

    Many Bibles stories don’t seem to be connected but upon closer examination, we find they are. Today on “Discover the Word,” we examine the stories of two different women from the town of Shunem. Find out how they are connected and why only one has a happy ending. Listen today to “Discover the Word”!

  • Understanding our need for the Lord and others

    May 5, 2016

    Has anyone ever told you, “Hey, if you need anything, just let me know”? And have you ever taken them up on their offer to help or were you able to handle things on your own? Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about what it often takes for us to understand how much we need the Lord and others. Another aspect of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” today on “Discover the Word”!

  • What’s in a sneeze?

    May 4, 2016

    You’ve heard of the seven dwarves. But have you heard of the seven sneezes? Today on “Discover the Word,” we will talk about an odd chapter in the story of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha.” After the prophet Elisha prayed for a young boy who had died, the boy awoke and sneezed seven times! So what’s with all the sneezes? Join the conversation today on “Discover the Word”!

  • Faith, disappointment and doubt

    May 3, 2016

    Have you ever been the victim of a cruel joke? Well, today’s study of “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” on “Discover the Word” takes us to a woman who may have felt like the victim of a cosmically cruel joke after her young son suddenly died. Join us as we discuss how repeated disappointments in our lives can cause us to doubt, even in the midst of our faith. A revealing conversation today on “Discover the Word”!

  • Why is it easier to give than to receive?

    May 2, 2016

    For many people, it’s easier to give than to receive because they feel uncomfortable being on the receiving end. Maybe they might feel unworthy or less in control. Today on “Discover the Word,” we will begin a two-week focus on “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” and talk about a woman who gave generously of her resources to Elisha and his ministry but had a difficult time being on the receiving end. Why was that? Join the study today on “Discover the Word”!

  • His only Son

    December 25, 2015

    Today on “Discover the Word,” we celebrate Christmas and wind up the series “For God So Loved.” The chapter with the Bible’s most familiar verse has provided the context for our conversations for Christmas this year. John 3:16 of course gives us the reason why Jesus came, but you’ll discover the surprising way John chapter 3 concludes when you join us today on “Discover the Word”!

  • Celebrate the light of the world

    December 24, 2015

    Have you ever noticed how lights are such a major part of celebrating Christmas? Well, today on “Discover the Word,” we will discuss a verse in John chapter 3 that talks about light and darkness and will make a memorable connection to all the lights you’ll be exposed to on this Christmas Eve. Celebrate the coming of the Light of the world with the group, today on “Discover the Word”!

  • His atoning work on the cross

    December 23, 2015

    In John chapter 3 we read that Jesus said He didn’t come into the world to condemn the world, but to save it. Today on “Discover the Word,” we talk about how Christians often condemn the very people that Jesus included through His atoning work on the cross. Continue to study the context of one of the Bible’s most familiar statements: “For God so loved the world.”

  • Expectations for the coming Messiah

    December 22, 2015

    If Jesus had used the word rescue with Nicodemus as the reason for His coming, how would a first-century religious leader like him have interpreted that? Today on “Discover the Word,” we’ll discuss what the expectation of the Jewish people was for the coming Messiah. Was it the reason Jesus said He came?

  • For God So Loved

    December 21, 2015

    In ancient Jewish culture, the first-born son held a very special place in family dynamics. So it got Nicodemus’ attention when Jesus told him that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. Join the group today on “Discover the Word” as they begin Week 2 of their series on the chapter of the Bible that contains its most familiar verse, “For God So Loved.”