February 2, 2019
What is a benediction? Is it a church formality? A magical invocation? Today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day examine one of the most well-known benedictions in Scripture . . . given to the Israelites in the wilderness.
August 15, 2014
No matter what question was thrown at Him, Jesus had an answer. And in Mark chapter 12, Jesus gave an explanation so insightful, the leaders and teachers were left speechless! Don’t miss the wrap up of our study in Mark 12.
August 14, 2014
Some people think God is all about rules and regulations. Be a part of the discussion from Mark chapter 12
August 13, 2014
What do Isaac Newton’s third law of motion and the greatest biblical commandment have in common? Discover a biblical principle at work.
August 12, 2014
Jewish tradition teaches that there are 613 different commandments in the Bible. That’s one long list of rules! More from our study in Mark chapter 12.
August 11, 2014
A well-known band once sang, “all you need is love.” Turns out, they weren’t far off! Let’s begin a brand new study in Mark chapter 12. Discover how Jesus takes every law and commandment, and boils it down into one simple concept!
April 26, 2013
The Ten Commandments were given to a people and a culture bound to follow Old Testament law. So do those ancient rules have any application in our lives today?
January 3, 2012
It’s the hope of every Christian parent to instill faith in their child. We want to teach them through our actions and words to trust God’s promises!
June 26, 2009
Do you ever find that the more you get, the more you want? Whether it’s the amount in your bank account, or in your garage, it’s not easy to be content with what we have!
June 25, 2009
We don’t often think of sin as we would a disease ravaging our body, and yet, sin is toxic to our lives and ultimately to our souls. Look at the tenth commandment, “You shall not covet.”