November 23, 2020
The past year has brought more widespread chaos and uncertainty than anyone could have ever imagined. So how can we still maintain a thankful heart in these difficult days? Today on Discover the Word, the team will remind us that God is the giver of “every good and perfect gift.” Join us for the new […]
October 5, 2020
At some point or another, we all feel lonely. Sometimes for a short period, and sometimes for a prolonged season of life. Today on Discover the Word, the team looks at examples in Scripture of people who experienced the pain of feeling alone. Join us for the series, “You Are Not Alone,” today on Discover […]
June 1, 2020
Do you sometimes feel that, as a Christian, you’re at war with the culture around you? Well, today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Darrell Bock explore how to best engage with a sometimes-hostile culture. Darrell shifts the paradigm of who the enemy really is and what our mission is in a […]
May 18, 2020
After Jesus died and rose again, He spent forty more days on earth before ascending into heaven. But often, we overlook this crucial portion of Jesus’ ministry. Today on Discover the Word, the team considers how Jesus helped His disciples prepare for His ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Join us today for […]
March 16, 2020
Jesus taught in metaphors and similes called parables. And while some people think Jesus told these stories to help teach simpletons, Jesus’s teachings are anything but simple! Today on Discover the Word, the team seeks to understand the complexity and the purpose of Jesus’s parables. Join us for the series, “Jesus the Storyteller” today on […]
January 27, 2020
Do you ever feel like your prayers are hitting the ceiling? Well, you’re not alone. Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss the topic of prayer from a part of the Bible you might not turn to very often, the book of Habakkuk. The series, “Minor Prophet, Major Prayers” begins today on Discover the Word!
November 11, 2019
No parent enjoys disciplining their kids. But discipline, done the right way, will help a child grow into the adult he or she needs to be. Today on Discover the Word, the team discusses how Paul’s sometimes-tough letter to the Corinthians reveals the loving heart of God. Pull up a chair to the table, today on Discover […]
October 14, 2019
“What’s next?” is a question we ask every day. Sometimes it can be a simple, innocent question. But sometimes, it can be a difficult question filled with anxiety, uncertainty, worry, and pain. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll look at how the prophet Elijah responded to the question, “What’s Next?” Tune in today for Discover the Word!
August 5, 2019
What does God look like? Well, we may not be able to see God with our eyes, but John 1:18 says that Jesus reveals Him to us. Today on Discover the Word, the team will look at an encounter between Jesus and a man with a “withered hand,” to discover what Jesus’s words and actions teach us […]
July 29, 2019
The Bible says to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. And while that statement may sound straightforward, it’s not always easy to follow. Today on Discover the Word, the team along with special guest Nicole Unice, begin exploring how to live out that commandment in our everyday lives. Listen to Discover […]