April 10, 2017
When Christ was crucified, the people who thought He was the Messiah were undoubtedly surprised! Yet, God had actually provided plenty of advance notice that it was going to happen! Today on Discover the Word, we will dig into one Old Testament prophecy that could have helped them make sense of what was happening. It’s […]
April 3, 2017
Remembering names can be hard, so it’s not surprising that there are people in the Bible who we may have forgotten about. Today on Discover the Word, the group will kick off a couple of weeks with an Easter focus by taking a closer look at someone who was a fairly small player in one […]
March 27, 2017
Have you ever cooked something, tasted it, and thought, “Something’s missing!”? Well, today on Discover the Word, we kick off a new series to discuss the missing ingredient in a church that seemed to have everything. Is it possible that the same ingredient is missing in your life and in your church? Be part of […]
March 20, 2017
Do you ever have times when you feel like you’re just not good enough? Today on Discover the Word, we continue a series that can help us know where to go when we feel inadequate to handle what life sends our way. Explore with the group what it looks like to “Bring It to Jesus.” Listen right […]
March 6, 2017
Today on Discover the Word, the group is joined by special guest and author John Cortines. They’ll be discussing the topic of “God and Money,” as John shares how he discovered something he didn’t expect at Harvard Business School. Listen today to Discover the Word!
February 20, 2017
Odds are your Bible never just flips open to the book of Philemon. It’s only one chapter and at most a page long. But as we’ll see today on Discover the Word, it’s a little book that packs a big message. Join us on Discover the Word to learn more about the compelling story behind […]
January 30, 2017
Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off another segment in an ongoing series on the life of the Old Testament prophet Elisha. His was definitely an amazing life, so be part of the group as they explore “The Miraculous Life of Elisha” together. Be encouraged by God’s amazing power, today on Discover the Word!
December 23, 2016
Can you remember your favorite teacher or your favorite way of being taught? Maybe you’re a visual learner requiring word pictures to help you grasp a concept. Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about Jesus, the Master Teacher who Himself was a Word Picture. It’s an inspiring discussion that reveals the heart of […]
December 22, 2016
For thousands of years, the Jewish people revered “the Law.” It wasn’t just a set of rules and regulations, but God speaking to His people the story of His love and protection. And today on Discover the Word, we discuss how God’s grace was evident in the Old Testament, but fully expressed in the Person of Jesus […]
December 21, 2016
Abstract concepts can be hard to grasp until someone makes it real to us. Like the story of Abraham Lincoln walking miles to return a few pennies to a customer he had shortchanged. It’s a memorable story that embodies the concept of honesty! Today on Discover the Word, we will bring the abstract concept of […]