April 26, 2018
It’s been said that America is a “melting pot.” But sometimes this blending turns into a clash of cultures. It’s been that way since the beginning. And today on Discover the Word, we’ll see how the church in Rome grappled with embracing all kinds of backgrounds and what the apostle Paul said to encourage the […]
April 25, 2018
You probably know the old adage, “Birds of a feather flock together”! We’re most often drawn to people who are like us. So how do we intentionally build unity with people who are different? That’s the question that was on the apostle Paul’s mind when he wrote his letter to the Romans, and it’s the […]
April 19, 2018
From preschool to adulthood, submission to authority isn’t all that popular. But today on Discover the Word, we’ll see how God calls us to submit to governing authorities and when we’re called to resist. Learn to live in the tension of being a citizen of heaven living on earth when you tune in to Discover […]
April 18, 2018
From politics to personal relationships, it seems like people are more divided than ever before. Even in the church! But today, the Discover the Word team learns that division is nothing new and the bottom-line solution offered by the apostle Paul to the Romans still applies to us today. Join the conversation on Discover the […]
April 17, 2018
When we think of “gifted” people, it’s usually in reference to someone who’s a cut above the rest. More talented, more intelligent, more gifted! But today on Discover the Word, we’ll see how each of us is gifted for the purpose of unity in God’s kingdom. “Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?” Listen today on […]
April 11, 2018
Turn on the TV at any given moment and you’ll find commercials promising you new confidence, new friends, even a new life, if only you buy their product! But today on Discover the Word, the team and New Testament scholar Con Campbell consider how new life begins “In Christ” alone. Be listening to Discover the Word today!
April 10, 2018
In baseball, pitchers are usually considered the most important player on the team. But are they? A team made up of only pitchers would lose every single game. And today on Discover the Word, we’ll see that like a sports team . . . the church needs diversity to succeed. Tune in to discover the […]
March 19, 2018
You’ve probably heard that it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains. But today on Discover the Word, the team will sit down to ask the question, if we only need mustard seed sized faith, does it matter how much faith we have? Join the conversation called “Faith Degrees,” today […]
March 13, 2018
Today on Discover the Word, psychologist and author Karen Mason rejoins the team for another discussion on assisting those struggling with depression and mental health issues. Gain an informed and compassionate perspective for walking alongside those in the grip of depression. Don’t miss the next conversation in our series “Reasons to Live” today on Discover […]
February 26, 2018
For something almost everyone wants, wisdom seems to be in short supply. So the question is—where do we find wisdom? Today on Discover the Word, the team begins a new study that points us in the direction of true insight. We’ll learn where the wisest man who ever lived found wisdom, when you join us, today on Discover […]