March 1, 2021
With so many English translations available, it’s easy to forget that the Bible wasn’t written in our language. And today on Discover the Word, the team, and authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien explain that when we fail to consider the context in which the Bible was written, we can run into some serious misconceptions! […]
February 15, 2021
We live in two worlds, one seen and one unseen. So how does the spiritual realm differ from the physical realm? And are there invisible dangers lurking we can’t see? Today on Discover the Word, we will talk about our greatest enemy, Satan, and his first interaction with the man and woman in the garden […]
April 13, 2020
We often view crowds as a mindless collection of cookie-cutter people. But each person brings their own emotions, concerns, fears, and agendas. Today on Discover the Word, the team will explore how the crowds during the Passion Week have distinct responses to the suffering of Jesus. Join us for the series, “Jesus and the Crowds” […]
March 30, 2020
If you could ask Jesus one question, what would it be? Maybe you would ask Him why something specific happened in your life, or how things might have turned out differently. Today on Discover the Word, the teams, and special guest Rasool Berry take a look at a lawyer in the New Testament who actually […]
September 2, 2019
Have you ever noticed that the bad memories tend to stick out in our minds, while the good ones are easier to forget? Today on Discover the Word, the team opens to Psalm 103, in which David urges us to remember all the good things God has done for us. Join us as we explore “A […]
June 26, 2017
What do you think of when you hear, “the glory of God”? Today on Discover the Word, our team joins author Nicole Unice in kicking off a new series titled, “The Glory Effect.” They’ll examine what God’s glory really is, and how it impacts you today. Listen to Discover the Word!
March 6, 2017
Today on Discover the Word, the group is joined by special guest and author John Cortines. They’ll be discussing the topic of “God and Money,” as John shares how he discovered something he didn’t expect at Harvard Business School. Listen today to Discover the Word!
September 9, 2016
If we just had the Old Testament and not the New, how would your view of God be different? Well, today on Discover the Word, the group will discuss how Jesus’s coming to earth changed everything, putting on full display what there was only a glimpse of before He came. A revealing conversation the group has […]
September 8, 2016
It’s exciting when the invisible, something we long to see, becomes visible. Well, today on Discover the Word, the group will help open our eyes to see Jesus, who is the exact representation of God. We can’t touch Jesus with our physical senses, but we can know Him through those who did . . . […]
September 7, 2016
Who is Jesus? It’s a question people always ask. But is it really that much of a mystery? This week on Discover the Word, we discuss how in the past God revealed Himself in many ways, but the most complete and radical way is through His only Son, Jesus. Be part of the group as they […]