April 6, 2016
The Bible’s patriarchal culture may seem to be “heaven-stamped and God approved,” but is it? Today on “Discover the Word,” author Carolyn Custis James and the group talk about how from Genesis on, the Creator’s view of both men and women is often very different from what plays out in the culture, both then and now. Join the discussion today on “Discover the Word”!
April 5, 2016
When reading the Bible, you can’t escape noticing that men were clearly in charge. A patriarchal world is definitely the setting in which the story of the Bible is told. But today on “Discover the Word,” author Carolyn Custis James and the group discuss how making the patriarchal culture of the Bible the message instead of the backdrop to the message can cause confusion. An enlightening conversation today on “Discover the Word”!
April 4, 2016
Today on “Discover the Word,” author Carolyn Custis James joins the group to begin a series of conversations about something she calls the m-a-l-e “malestrom.” Just as women are often marginalized in our world, Carolyn feels that in many ways men are in trouble too. So be part of the “Discover the Word” group with special guest Carolyn Custis James as they begin a study called, Malestrom on “Discover the Word”!
September 28, 2015
Statistics show that ninety-one percent of women don’t see themselves as beautiful. Yet when God created Adam and Eve, He said they were “very good.” Join us as we explore why, since the Fall, it’s so easy to believe the lie whispered to Eve, “If God loved you . . .”
October 10, 2014
Meditating often gets a bad rap. We may think it involves uncomfortable positions and nonsensical chanting. How meditating on God’s Word can be an avenue to a happy life.
October 9, 2014
Sin offers momentary happiness. But can sin provide lasting joy in life? Let’s dig deep in Psalm 1 for keys to a happy life.
October 8, 2014
Have you ever thought you’d have more fun in life if you didn’t have to follow any rules? I think we’ve all been there. Our study in Psalm 1 continues.
October 7, 2014
Everyone seems to have a different opinion on what it takes to be happy. But if we truly want to experience a fulfilled life, we have to be careful who we listen to! Tune in to hear biblical wisdom.
October 6, 2014
Everyone has the right to pursue happiness. But the question is, will we ever find it? Let’s begin a new series in Psalm 1.
June 27, 2014
Stuck in the moment, it can be difficult to see what God is doing in our lives. But if we widen our perspective, we may catch a glimpse of God’s greater plan! Let’s look at the bigger picture in the life of Jacob. In the midst of chaos, God was building his future.