March 1, 2021
With so many English translations available, it’s easy to forget that the Bible wasn’t written in our language. And today on Discover the Word, the team, and authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien explain that when we fail to consider the context in which the Bible was written, we can run into some serious misconceptions! […]
February 22, 2021
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 says, “To everything, there is a season.” A time to laugh and a time to weep. And today on Discover the Word, the team will talk about how we should respond when those times of trouble come. We can’t always avoid pain or hardship, but we can find hope despite our troubles! […]
July 13, 2020
Have you ever been in an “in-between” phase in life? Maybe between jobs, or between relationships, or between houses? Today on Discover the Word, the team will discuss how the waiting times in life can grow our faith and trust in God. Join us for a new series called, “Spirit Prayer,” today on Discover the […]
May 18, 2020
After Jesus died and rose again, He spent forty more days on earth before ascending into heaven. But often, we overlook this crucial portion of Jesus’ ministry. Today on Discover the Word, the team considers how Jesus helped His disciples prepare for His ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Join us today for […]
February 10, 2020
The Old Testament is filled with timeless stories, like Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel. But it’s also filled with some very difficult passages that we tend to skip over. So, today on Discover the Word, the team will turn to Ezra chapter 10 to wrestle with a heartbreaking chapter of Israel’s history. Tune in today […]
December 16, 2019
It’s amazing to think that God would actually live among us. But what’s even more remarkable is that He would choose to enter the world as a human baby. Today on Discover the Word, the team will consider the time when Jesus was being formed in Mary’s womb. Begin a special series for Christmas, today […]
October 14, 2019
“What’s next?” is a question we ask every day. Sometimes it can be a simple, innocent question. But sometimes, it can be a difficult question filled with anxiety, uncertainty, worry, and pain. Today on Discover the Word, we’ll look at how the prophet Elijah responded to the question, “What’s Next?” Tune in today for Discover the Word!
July 29, 2019
The Bible says to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. And while that statement may sound straightforward, it’s not always easy to follow. Today on Discover the Word, the team along with special guest Nicole Unice, begin exploring how to live out that commandment in our everyday lives. Listen to Discover […]
June 17, 2019
There’s something uncomfortable about reading someone else’s mail or overhearing their conversation. But that’s essentially what we’re doing when we read the New Testament epistles! Today on Discover the Word, the team will explore the context of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. It’s the beginning of an extended study of the entire book of Galatians called, […]
May 27, 2019
In times of sorrow, it can feel as if we’re alone in our suffering. But God never lets a single tear fall without His notice. Today on Discover the Word, we consider the power of tears and find hope in the truth that Jesus understands our grief. Join the group as they introduce a new series […]