July 27, 2020
As Christians, we face constant challenges from all sides. And while it’s tempting to give in and give up, God encourages us to press on, because it will all be worth it! Today on Discover the Word, the team begins a series of conversations called “The Wisdom of James . . . the Wisdom of […]
May 4, 2020
There have been some great speeches throughout history, the Gettysburg Address, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. But none can quite compare to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Today on Discover the Word, we explore why the Beatitudes at the beginning of that Sermon are profoundly important for every time and every […]
March 2, 2020
Nowadays, children’s ministries are an integral part of the local church. But during Jesus’s day, spending so much time with children was practically unheard of! Today on Discover the Word, the team considers how deep and revolutionary Jesus’s relationship with children was for His day and time. Join us for the series, “Jesus and Children”, today on Discover the Word!
November 11, 2019
No parent enjoys disciplining their kids. But discipline, done the right way, will help a child grow into the adult he or she needs to be. Today on Discover the Word, the team discusses how Paul’s sometimes-tough letter to the Corinthians reveals the loving heart of God. Pull up a chair to the table, today on Discover […]
May 13, 2019
When it comes to conflict, most people either face it head on, or run the other way. But what if there were a third option? Today on Discover the Word, the group discusses the apostle Paul’s advice for dealing with conflict in the church. Join us for a new series titled, “Deal with It,” today on Discover the […]