February 2, 2019
Are you the planner in your family or group? And maybe that means you hate surprises! Well, Monday/today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, and Bill Crowder jump into a new series on the counterintuitive ways of God.
February 2, 2019
To a first-century Roman, a cross wasn’t a piece of jewelry or a wall decoration. It was a symbol of death. But Monday/today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and special guest Robert Gelinas remind us that the cross is more than just a reminder of Christ’s death . . . […]
February 2, 2019
Have you ever found your foot tapping to a song . . . without even realizing it? Some songs have simply infectious rhythms! But Monday/today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day discuss the danger and ease of falling into the patterns and rhythms . . . of […]
February 2, 2019
Nicknames have a way of sticking with people. But few nicknames have been as enduring, or unfortunate . . . as “Doubting Thomas.” Monday/Today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder begin a study on the “Disciple of Doubt” by asking the question . . . was Thomas’s doubt a good […]
February 2, 2019
Do you ever struggle with prayer? Monday/Today on Discover the Word, Elisa Morgan, Mart DeHaan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day begin a brand-new series of conversations on … The Prayer Coin. It’s a series about learning to pray like Christ … by looking at his most desperate moment of prayer.
January 7, 2019
Sometimes we tend to view biblical characters with rose-colored glasses, failing to see their faults or shortcomings. But that’s not reality! Today on Discover the Word, the team is joined by authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien to explore together what is often perceived as the apostle Paul’s less-than-perfect behavior. A thought-provoking study called “Misreading Paul” today […]
June 11, 2018
Today on Discover the Word, the team begins a brand-new series on Jesus’s desire to reach both the unclean outsider and the elite insider. Because, as we’ll find, even the most opposite people have a common need for Christ. So tune in today for Discover the Word!
March 26, 2018
“The same sun that melts ice, hardens clay.” Ever heard that before? It’s true, isn’t it? And when exposed to God, some hearts become tender, but others grow calloused. Today on Discover the Word, we begin the Easter week conversations about the two men crucified alongside Jesus and their two very different responses. Listen today […]
February 26, 2018
For something almost everyone wants, wisdom seems to be in short supply. So the question is—where do we find wisdom? Today on Discover the Word, the team begins a new study that points us in the direction of true insight. We’ll learn where the wisest man who ever lived found wisdom, when you join us, today on Discover […]
January 29, 2018
Armies have always used weapons to fuel their conquests. But today on Discover the Word, we’ll see how God conquers hearts with His love. God’s “weapons” and ways are different than our ways, and that’s always for the better. Join us for the start of a new series in Psalm 46, “A Mighty Fortress,” when […]