January 8, 2016
Why are believers called children of God? Today on Discover the Word, we conclude our discussion on how children “discover the Word” with “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman. Join us for this engaging conversation on “Discover the Word.”
January 7, 2016
Jesus’s disciples argued about who was going to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, until Jesus told them that to enter that kingdom they had to become like a child. So what exactly did He mean by that? Today we, along with our guest, “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman examine Matthew 18 to find the answer.
January 6, 2016
Scripture gives parents plenty of hope in raising their children to know and love the Lord. We find that hope in both the Old and New Testament. And so, even though there are no guarantees, how can parents do their part in helping their children “discover the Word”? Don’t miss the conversation with our guest, “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman. Today on “Discover the Word”!
January 5, 2016
What does God want us to teach our children? Today on “Discover the Word,” “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman joins us at the table to address a common concern for parents, how to raise godly children. Many feel ill equipped to do so, yet we want so much for them to have a relationship with our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus. How to help kids “discover the Word”—don’t miss the discussion, today on “Discover the Word”!
January 4, 2016
Parents are eager to learn how to best influence their children to know God. But where do they turn? There’s no set formula, but there is wisdom to be found in the Bible. Today on “Discover the Word,” the three of us and special guest, “Our Daily Bread for Kids” author Crystal Bowman launch a discussion about how children “discover the Word.” Join the study right here on “Discover the Word”!
December 28, 2015
The Bible was written in a much different culture than the one we live in today. Sometimes, we don’t realize how our own heritage and surroundings can influence the way we understand Scripture. Today on a classic “Discover the Word” episode, author Dr. Ken Bailey joins former hosts Haddon Robinson and Alice Mathews to help us see Jesus through Middle Eastern eyes.
October 16, 2015
God is both a Redeemer and a Restorer. While we can sometimes find it difficult to believe that anything good can come from the horrific, it’s God’s desire to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for good. And in the midst of a crisis, it’s critical to surround yourself with those who share that same hope.
October 15, 2015
Let’s talk about how pain can have purpose. No one likes to suffer, but suffering can actually be productive if we allow it to be. Difficult times can produce perseverance, that refines our character, that then results in hope. And when that hope is fixed on God, it’s a hope that doesn’t disappoint.
October 14, 2015
The Bible tells us in First Corinthians that we’re to comfort others with the same comfort we’ve received from God. But sometimes we need a push to do that. Let’s discuss the power of heartfelt prayer and how Vivian’s desperate, middle-of-the-night cry to God delivered a miraculous result.
October 13, 2015
In our individualistic culture, it’s sometimes hard to ask for help even when we need it the most. Let’s talk about why Christianity is not a faith to be lived out all by our lonesome. The “fellowship of believers” is not a social club—it’s an “us” versus “I” living organism, designed by God, to bring healing and grace even in hopeless situations.