Series But God...

God is a God of surprises. He often does the opposite of what we expect because His ways and thoughts are higher than ours. At times, the Bible captures these surprises with the phrase, “But, God…” where a situation is turned on its head by God’s intervention. We’ll see that is specific ways this week.

Dates August 13-17, 2018
# of Programs 5
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, and Daniel Ryan Day
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Part 1 - 08/13/18

Having Faith In God’s Surprising Plan

Are you the planner in your family or group? And maybe that means you hate surprises! Well, Monday/today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, and Bill Crowder jump into a new series on the counterintuitive ways of God.

Part 2 - 08/14/18

The Most Ambitious Rescue Plan In History

The whole world seems to rally around a rescue effort, like when the group of Thai soccer players was stuck in a cave last month. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, and Bill Crowder discuss the most ambitious rescue plan in history. Discover God’s counterintuitive plan . . . to rescue His enemies.

Part 3 - 08/15/18

God Is Full Of Surprises

God is full of surprises. And often times, it’s when we least expect it that our faith flourishes!  Join Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, and Bill Crowder as they study how God’s plan for eternal life . . . first required death. God’s ways are not our ways, but we can always trust Him!

Part 4 - 08/16/18

God’s Value System

What do employers, directors, and coaches have in common? They’ve got their eyes peeled for the best and the brightest. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, and Bill Crowder reveal how God isn’t necessarily looking for the most qualified people to rescue. In fact . . . He’s got a whole other value system He’s working from!

Part 5 - 08/17/18

The Counterintuitive Ways Of God

Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, and Bill Crowder conclude their weeklong study on the counterintuitive ways of God. God’s plans and methods often seem like the opposite of what we’d expect, but we can we trust God in seasons of pain and when life doesn’t make sense? Get the faith-building answers.

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