Series Call to Worship--Psalm 100

Psalm 100 is only five verses long, but it contains all of the elements with which to express a heart of worship to our God. In these conversations, we will explore worship—and why God is so deserving of our whole hearts and our very best praise.

Dates August 7-11, 2017
# of Programs 5
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder
Text Psalm 100
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Part 1 - 08/07/17

A call to worship

Today on Discover the Word, the group kicks off a new series for the week! It’s titled “A Call to Worship.” Tune in to hear a discussion that explores the depths of praise found in Psalm 100 and learn how praising God can change your life. Listen to Discover the Word today!

Part 2 - 08/08/17

Listening to the call to worship

When you hear someone shout, you’ve got to listen carefully to discover what they’re shouting about and what emotion is attached to their outburst. Today on Discover the Word, we find that there are several different kinds of shouts in the Bible, too! It’s another enlightening discussion from Psalm 100. Hear more from the series titled, “A Call to Worship” today on Discover the Word!

Part 3 - 08/09/17

Singing to the call to worship

It seems like for as long as there have been people, there have been songs! But why do we sing songs of worship? Today on Discover the Word, the group will get together around the table to discuss what motivates our worship and what its true purpose is. It’s part of the series titled “A Call to Worship.” Be part of the conversation today on Discover the Word!

Part 4 - 08/10/17

Bringing our passions to the call to worship

As a culture, we sure do get excited about our sports! The Super Bowl, March Madness, the World Series, the World Cup, these are anticipated events that we’d never miss! But often, we don’t bring that same enthusiasm to worshiping God on Sunday! Today on Discover the Word, we’re talking about our passions, and our “Call to Worship.” More from Psalm 100 on Discover the Word!

Part 5 - 08/11/17

A grateful heart bringing you to the call to worship

Today on Discover the Word, join us for another encouraging conversation about Psalm 100! You’ll be challenged to think about what you have to be grateful for and how those blessings can call you to worship. Learn to worship with gratitude, today on Discover the Word!

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