Series Eye Openers

Several times in the New Testament, followers of Christ completely “missed” Jesus. Instead of understanding that it was Him they were seeing, they saw a ghost, a gardener, a fellow traveler, a fisherman, or nothing at all. Why? What made these believers miss Jesus – and what opened their eyes to His identity? How might we also “miss” the ways Jesus comes into our days? And how might our eyes be opened to His presence?

Dates January 1-5, 2018
# of Programs 5
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder
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Part 1 - 01/01/18

Would You Recognize Jesus’s Voice?

It can be really awkward when someone waves and calls your name and you realize you have no idea who they are! There’s plenty of people we should recognize, but don’t. But what if one of those people we don’t recognize is Jesus? Today on Discover the Word, we’ll get a fresh look at how to recognize when it’s Jesus, in a series titled “Eye Openers.” Listen today to Discover the Word!

Part 2 - 01/02/18

“Eye Opener”

Have you ever run around the house looking for your glasses, only to find them already on your head? Sometimes we miss the most obvious things! And today on Discover the Word, we’ll continue a series called “Eye Openers” by showing  a common reason we miss seeing Jesus in our lives. Get your spiritual vision checked today on Discover the Word!

Part 3 - 01/03/18

Hiding In Plain Sight!

Glasses and a haircut might not seem like much of a disguise, but it’s enough to conceal Superman’s identity. He’s hiding in plain sight! And often so is Jesus.  Today on Discover the Word, group members examine how we might miss Jesus walking right beside us. Listen today to Discover the Word.

Part 4 - 01/04/18

Let’s Not Miss What’s Most Important

Today on Discover the Word, we continue the series titled,  “Eye Openers” by taking a closer look at some biblical truths we might miss if we’re not careful. Today’s topic examines how we might miss something that seems too good to be true. Listen today right here on Discover the Word!

Part 5 - 01/05/18

Emotions Can Blind You To The Truth

Whether you’re near-sighted or far-sighted, without the right lens, your world’s going to be a blur. And it’s no different spiritually! Today on Discover the Word, the team wraps up their series called, Eye Openers, with a look at how our emotions can blind us to Jesus’s presence. Listen today to Discover the Word!

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