Series Faith Degrees

Most of us struggle at times with faith. We wonder if we have enough faith to live life as God designed us to live it. We long for greater faith so that we might be stronger in tough times and bolder in sharing our hope with others. In Scripture, we see examples of various degrees of faith. Faith the size of a mustard seed that can move mountains. The faith of the Centurion which Jesus said was the greatest faith He’d seen in Israel. Join us as we look at small faith, growing faith, great faith, healing faith and pleasing faith and let’s consider together, just how much faith is enough faith?

Dates March 19-23, 2018
# of Programs 5
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder
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Part 1 - 03/19/18

Does It Matter How Much Faith We Have?

You’ve probably heard that it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains. But today on Discover the Word, the team will sit down to ask the question, if we only need mustard seed sized faith, does it matter how much faith we have? Join the conversation called “Faith Degrees,” today on Discover the Word!

Part 2 - 03/20/18

Developing Your Faith Even When You’re Struggling

How has your faith grown in the last year? Has it? Today on Discover the Word, the team invites you to join them at the table for a discussion about developing our faith, even when you’re still struggling with doubts. Explore growing faith as they continue their series on “Faith Degrees,” today on Discover the Word!

Part 3 - 03/21/18

Discover The Strength Of What You Believe In

In most cases, we want quality over quantity. And it’s no different when it comes to faith. Today on Discover the Word, the team helps us see that the strength of what we believe in matters more than the strength of our belief. Join the conversation when you tune in to Discover the Word today!

Part 4 - 03/22/18

Faith Degrees

Throughout the Bible, Jesus and His disciples performed miraculous healings. But what role did faith play in those who were healed? And does faith play a role in our being healed today? Today on Discover the Word, we continue the discussion on living a life of faith called “Faith Degrees.” Join the group as they talk about healing faith today on Discover the Word!

Part 5 - 03/23/18

Faith That Pleases God

Today on Discover the Word,  the team concludes their weeklong study of faith called “Faith Degrees.” It’s an encouraging conversation about the kind of faith that pleases God, and the kind that doesn’t. What is “pleasing faith”? Well, develop faith that lasts when you listen to Discover the Word!

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