Episode Fruitful Living | Week 1

Do you like fruit? Why or why not? Do you have a favorite fruit? Well, growing a life that matters, is the result of God’s fruit of the Spirit growing in our lives. But just what is "the fruit of the Spirit" and how does it grow in our lives? Galatians 5 contrasts the fruit of the Spirit with the works of the flesh and then Paul explains how the fruit of the Spirit is God’s characteristics in our personality. Discover with the group what we look like when we look like Him.

Dates March 3-14, 2025
At The Table Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, Daniel Ryan Day and Rasool Berry
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Chapter 1

You may have heard that first impressions are important, but it’s the legacy that you leave that really counts. Today on Discover the Word, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, Bill Crowder, and Rasool Berry sit down to explore how the journey of living a meaningful life likely includes a daily serving of “fruit.”  See what they mean by that when you join them for the start of a new two-week series, “Fruitful Living.”

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Chapter 2

What’s the difference between a good fruit and a bad fruit? Fruit can be so refreshing, but I’m sure all of us can remember times when we had a bite of a too-ripe watermelon or a bitter-tasting strawberry. In this conversation, the Discover the Word team considers why the apostle Paul chose the out-of-the-box metaphor of fruit to illustrate God at work (or not at work) in our lives. Good fruit/bad fruit.

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Chapter 3

Love and joy are two words that get talked about a lot in the Bible. But we all know that doesn’t mean they always characterize our lives every moment of the day. Well, in this episode of Discover the Word, Elisa, Rasool, Daniel, and Bill start going down the list of the different qualities that make up the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Headlining that list are, love and joy.

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Chapter 4

Peace and patience seem to go hand in hand in a lot of situations. So, when one is missing . . . it’s pretty hard to find the other. Maybe that’s why Paul put them right next to each other when listing the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5! In this episode, the group explores the special connection that peace and patience have with one another. It’s a conversation in our series about “Fruitful Living” you won’t want to miss.

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Chapter 5

Remember those “What Would Jesus Do” bracelets? They can be a great reminder for us to shape our actions after the only person who lived a perfect life and left a perfect legacy. In this episode of Discover the Word, we pick up our conversation about the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians chapter 5 by looking at the two “fruit” some of us would say we associate most with Jesus. Any guesses what those are?

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