A question seen often in the Old Testament is “Who is like you, God?” and demands the answer, “No one is like our God.” His wonders are incomparable and the gods of the nations don’t come close to Him. Often when that question is asked, a descriptor of God’s uniqueness is provided to show just one area in which the God of wonders stands apart from all others. We want to explore a handful of those cases in these conversations so that we can be reminded together of the greatness and majesty of our God, and why He is so worthy of our praise and worship.
It’s kind of surprising how often the question “Who is like you, God?” is asked throughout the Old Testament, and in this study with the Discover the Word group, they’ll explore what is revealed about God in some of those passages that express a sense of awe and wonder about how amazing God is. Bill Crowder will lead Daniel Ryan Day, Elisa Morgan, and Rasool Berry in a series called “God of Wonders.”
Do you ever take time to reflect on the amazing things God has done in your life? Remarkable situations that have grown your trust in Him? Well, in this conversation, the Discover the Word group discusses how Moses saw God’s wonder-inducing presence in his life in Exodus 15. Join us to reflect on how God provided for Moses and discover how that can inspire us to worship God today.
How do you feel about promises? Have you ever experienced a broken promise? Have you ever broken a promise? Of course, the answer is “yes.” Well, join the Discover the Word group as they explore how God’s trustworthiness is one of the things that caused many a person in the Old Testament to wonder, “Who is like you, God?” Another wonder-inducing thing about God in a study called “God of Wonders.”
Does it always feel like God is faithful—even when we’re facing struggles and circumstances we don’t understand? In this episode, the Discover the Word team will explore the wonder of God’s faithfulness. You won’t want to miss this conversation where we find an affirmation of God’s faithfulness in an unlikely place—set in the book of Lamentations. Join us to discover how great is God’s faithfulness—even when we can’t see it.
Discover the Word group member Bill Crowder says his favorite part of the conversation—by a million miles—is the part of the “God of Wonders” study they’ll have in this episode. They’ve been reflecting all on what caused people in the Old Testament to wonder “Who is like you, God” so often, and so discover why this particular situation inspires Bill to believe so deeply that no one is like our God.