Most of us long to hear from God. Directly. In words we can clearly understand and respond to. Right? Scripture catalogs several instances of God speaking to humans, actually more than we might first remember. One story in particular—the interaction of God with Samuel in 1 Samuel 1–3— offers insight into how God speaks, and how we, too, can hear Him when we listen.
Most of us long to hear from God directly in words we can clearly understand. Well, Scripture actually catalogs several instances of God speaking to humans—more than you might think! In this chapter, you’ll see how God’s interaction with Samuel offers insight into how God speaks, and how we too can hear Him when we listen.
When we feel like God is silent, we often assume the problem lies with God. But what if the lapse in communication is actually our own fault? In this chapter, you’ll be challenged to consider the things in your life that might be keeping you from hearing God’s voice.
Often, Christians complain that God is silent and doesn’t give direction in their lives. But what if God is actually speaking and we just don’t recognize His voice? In this chapter, you’ll learn about a time when God spoke directly to Samuel—and Samuel didn’t even know it!
A conversation is composed of two very distinctive parts. One half is speaking—and the other half is listening! In this chapter, you’ll be encouraged to stop and listen for God’s voice when you pray.
With all the noise in the world today, it can be hard to discern God’s voice. But once we understand what God is saying, we’re able to do great things for His kingdom. In this chapter, you’ll see how God used Samuel to bless Israel once he learned to hear God’s voice.