The Psalms are not a random collection of ancient poems, but are an intentionally organized testimony of a faithful God who hears all who cry out to him in praise or pain, wisdom or confusion, in confidence or doubt. The narrative arc of this anthology is not only about past movements of God in Israel, but offers future promises about where all of Creation is headed—toward a new reality where we dwell with God and he with us, forever. In this series, we will be exploring an anthology that tells a bigger story than its individual parts. This anthology is not made up of poems from one person, but includes poems from several different authors. It includes poems that cover different time periods and poems that were written in different locations and even countries. Yet this collection of poems has a very specific theme and structure, and the overall anthology tells a story—a very important story—a surprising story.
Over the centuries, Israel saw the full range of kings, from the great to the terrible. The Bible promises that one day, an eternal King will come to establish His Kingdom. Today on Discover the Word, the team will consider how the royal psalms point to Jesus Christ. Join us for another week of Bible study, today on Discover the Word!Ho
These days, “How are you doing?” is more of a greeting than a real question. Most times, we say we’re fine. But how often is that really true? Today on Discover the Word, we will consider how the psalms invite us to be honest with God about what’s going on in our lives. Join us for the series, “How to Read the Psalms,” today on Discover the Word!
Whether it’s a coworker in the office or a troublesome neighbor, we all have people we don’t get along with. And sometimes, the animosity can have serious repercussions. Today on Discover the Word, the team will look to the psalms for wisdom on how to deal with difficult people. Tune in today for Discover the Word!
Things don’t always go according to plan. So when life feels like it’s falling apart, is it possible to find the strength to praise God? Today on Discover the Word, the team will consider how lament and worship can be part of the same song. Join the group for a study in Psalm 42, today on Discover the Word!
Turn on the news any day of the week, and you’ll likely be overwhelmed by the stories you hear. But the world won’t always be this way! Today on Discover the Word, we look at a psalm that points to the hope and promise of a better future. Take your seat at the table and join the conversation, today on Discover the Word!