Episode Jerusalem! | Week 1

Did you know that Jerusalem is the most frequently mentioned place named in the Bible? And if, as Bible geographer Dr. Jack Beck contends, place/location always matters, there's something extra special about Jerusalem in the biblical story. Jerusalem is like no other city. And if you understand its uniqueness, you will understand not only all the attention it gets in the Bible but also why the stories and poetry of the Bible speak of it in the way they do. Explore Jerusalem—the City of God, with Dr. Jack Beck and the Discover the Word group.

Dates January 20-31, 2025
At The Table Bill Crowder, Rasool Berry, Vivian Mabuni, and guest Jack Beck
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Chapter 1

Have you thought about the importance of the locations that you read about in the Bible? And what would you say is the most often mentioned location in Scripture? Join the Discover the Word group for part one of a two-week series called “Jerusalem!”  Bill Crowder, Rasool Berry, and Vivian Mabuni are joined by special guest and renowned Bible geographer—Dr. Jack Beck. In week one, they’ll be exploring some “Jerusalem Psalms” and discover how understanding more about this city helps you understand more about God.

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Chapter 2

Do you prefer the city, or the country, and why? Well, join the Discover the Word group as they look at a psalm that describes entering the holy city of Jerusalem. Whether you prefer the city or the country, special guest and Bible geographer, Dr. Jack Beck helps you find a connection to God in Jerusalem and Psalm 122.

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Chapter 3

Bible geographer Dr. Jack Beck says that while the Bible is not a geography book, it does have geography on basically every page. And that geography can shape how we understand what the Bible tells us about God. Join the Discover the Word group as special guest and Bible geography expert Dr. Jack Beck explores a psalm with them that reveals a unique way that Jerusalem’s landscape can shape our view of God.

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Chapter 4

Have you ever experienced a season of hopelessness? In this conversation, the Discover the Word team will explore the fascinating way that the geography baked into Psalm 126 reveals how God is capable of dramatic reversals. Discover the unexpected way that the geography of Jerusalem contains a promise that God  can turn our hopelessness into hope. Be part of another conversation with special guest and Bible geographer Dr. Jack Beck.

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Chapter 5

What do you want most when you feel guilty about something? In those moments, a lot of us want forgiveness. And you may be surprised to discover the way that the geography in Psalm 130 can help us understand God’s willingness to forgive. Don’t miss the journey as the Discover the Word group goes to one more Jerusalem psalm with special guest and Bible geographer, Dr. Jack Beck. Explore how some Bible geography isn’t that obvious, but how it’s all meaningful.

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Jerusalem! | Week 2

At The Table Bill Crowder, Rasool Berry, Vivian Mabuni, and guest Jack Beck
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