Series John Revealing Jesus Revealing God

Host of the Our Daily Bread Films "In Pursuit of..." series, Dr. Constantine Campell takes the group on a journey exploring the writings of the Apostle John. In the process we discover how, in his Gospel account, in his letters, and in his record of the Revelation, John reveals what Jesus reveals to us about what God is like. This is a unique look at the body of John's work in the New Testament, and how helpful looking at it through the lens of "John Revealing Jesus Revealing God" can be.

Dates August 19-30, 2019
# of Programs 10
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day and guest Con Campbell
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Part 1 - 08/19/19

The Glory And Magnificence Of Jesus

Each of us sees Jesus in a slightly different way. But the apostle John gives us perhaps the most unique perspective of all. Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Con Campbell discuss how the gospel of John reveals the glory and magnificence of Jesus. Join us for the series, “John Revealing Jesus Revealing God” today on Discover the Word!

Part 2 - 08/20/19

What Is Glory And Why Does God Need It?

We say, “Glory to God in the highest” and, “To God be the glory.” But what exactly is glory? And why does it seem God needs so much of it? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Dr. Con Campbell explore how the glory of Jesus ultimately points us to the glory of God the Father. Join the conversation today on Discover the Word!

Part 3 - 08/21/19

Jesus’s Bold Claim, “I Am The Light Of The World”

Most of us are familiar with the statement from Jesus,  “I am the light of the world.” But imagine hearing it for the first time from Jesus Himself. It’s a pretty radical statement! Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Dr. Con Campbell explore the significance of Jesus’s bold claim. Pull up a chair to the table today for Discover the Word!

Part 4 - 08/22/19

Why Did Jesus Compare Himself To A Lowly Shepherd?

Jesus is the God of the universe the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So why would He ever compare Himself to a lowly shepherd? Today on Discover the Word, the team and special guest Dr. Con Campbell discuss how the Good Shepherd willingly laid His life down for His sheep. Another fascinating conversation in the gospel of John, today on Discover the Word!

Part 5 - 08/23/19

For Christ Followers, There Is Life After Death

The reality of death faces us all. But for followers of Christ, the end of this life means the beginning of the next! Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Dr. Con Campbell discuss how the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead affirms that Jesus is “the resurrection and the life.” Don’t miss the conversation today on Discover the Word!

Part 6 - 08/26/19

How Does God Embody Love?

Perhaps you’ve heard someone say, “God is love.” But what is love, exactly? And how does God embody it? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Con Campbell explore the meaning behind the phrase “God is love” and consider how that fact should change the way we think about ourselves and others. Join us today as their series called “John Revealing Jesus Revealing God” continues for Discover the Word!

Part 7 - 08/27/19

What Can The Book Of Revelation Teach Us About Jesus?

The Book of Revelation may be one of the most intimidating books in the entire Bible. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t read it! Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Dr. Con Campbell explore the fascinating things we can learn about Jesus, and about God, from the Book of Revelation. Don’t miss the conversation today on Discover the Word!

Part 8 - 08/28/19

Your First Love

God doesn’t want to be just one important thing in our lives, He wants to be the most important! Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Dr. Con Campbell discuss Revelation chapter 2, in which Jesus rebukes the church in Ephesus for abandoning their first love. Pull up a seat to the table and Discover the Word today!

Part 9 - 08/29/19

Jesus Is Both A Mighty Lion And A Slain Lamb

In the Gospels, we see Jesus as a humble carpenter, ministering to the poor and marginalized. But the Book of Revelation gives us another lens for looking at Jesus. Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Dr. Con Campbell explore how Jesus is both a mighty lion and a slain lamb. Tune in today for Discover the Word!

Part 10 - 08/30/19

When Jesus Returns

As most people think about the end of the world, they do so with fear and dread. But as the Bible tells us, the end is really just the beginning. Today on Discover the Word, the team, and special guest Dr. Con Campbell discuss the hope-filled story that will unfold once Jesus returns to rule over the new heaven and new earth. Join us today at for Discover the Word!

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