Series Life After Easter

How does the resurrection of Christ change us? Life after Easter can either go on as normal, or transform us into more of who we are in Christ. By examining three women who came and experienced the empty tomb, we’ll be challenged to see how we ourselves “look for the living among the dead” and how God wants to raise our eyes to see him here, in our everyday.

Dates April 6-10, 2015
# of Programs 5
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder
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Part 1 - 04/06/15

How the events of Resurrection Sunday can and should have a profound effect on our days

Easter has come and gone. But even though the celebration has passed, the miracle of Easter can continue to shape our present. Join us at “Discover the Word” as we discover how events of the Resurrection impact our days “After Easter!”

Part 2 - 04/07/15

Let’s look at the effect of Jesus’ resurrection from the perspective of a first-hand witness

There’s no better way to understand the lasting impact of Easter in our lives than to see it at work in the lives of others. Join us as we continue our study on “Life After Easter” and discover the effect of Jesus’ Resurrection!

Part 3 - 04/08/15

How the impact of the Resurrection changed one woman’s life

Life changing experiences often pivot on a single moment. For a woman named Joanna, her world changed forever on a particular Sunday morning when she discovered an empty tomb. Listen in today as we discover the impact of the Resurrection on a woman who was there!

Part 4 - 04/09/15

Discover how one mother found abundant grace inside an empty tomb

The events of Easter offer not only hope for the future, but the Resurrection also provides release from the guilt of our past. Join us as we continue discovering “Life After Easter.”

Part 5 - 04/10/15

The difference Easter can have when we remember that Jesus has risen!

Last weekend we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. But did you spend this last week living like our Savior is alive? Today we conclude our series on “Life After Easter” by remembering that Jesus has risen!

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