Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together with the picture of the finished puzzle on the top of the box? Scripture gives us many aspects of God's design for marriage, and what the box top picture looks like of what He intends. Join the Discover the Word group as they explore God's view of marriage and the sacred covenant it is, and also how the world's view and Satan's lies can cause us to be focused on self and personal happiness rather than oneness and legacy.
Have you thought about God’s purpose for marriage and what it might mean for you? In this conversation, the Discover the Word group kicks off a series exploring what the Scriptures say about “Marriage.” Vivian Mabuni leads Bill Crowder, Daniel Ryan Day, and Rasool Berry—discussing the complexities and opportunities for marriage. Discover how marriage is often misunderstood, and how whether you’re married or not, the idea represents something important about the relationship God wants with His people.
Can you think of a gift you have received that didn’t really feel like a gift? Well join the Discover the Word group as they discuss how in a marriage, your spouse is a gift, even though it may not always feel like it. Explore why we can see spouses as a gift from God, and what can stand in the way of our thinking that way.
Is there a difference between a contract and a covenant? And if so, which one would you say best describes marriage? Join Discover the Word hosts Vivian, Bill, Daniel, and Rasool as they explore contracts and covenants, and conditional agreements versus unconditional agreements. So which is marriage? Discover that in this episode.
Would you agree that marriage seems to be under attack in our world today, and what do you think is the cause of that? You may be surprised to discover who spouses often think they’re fighting against, and who they’re actually fighting. Join the Discover the Word team as they explore why marriage is under attack and who the real enemy is.
Are there any marriages you’ve seen personally that have inspired you? Have you ever thought about the legacy that marriages can leave? Join the Discover the Word group for this conversation as they explore how marriage is bigger than the couple. You won’t want to miss this conclusion of the conversations about the power of “Marriage.” And discover how investing in marriage can build a legacy that outlives it!