Series Misreading Paul

Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes authors Randy Richards and Brandon O'Brien return to Discover the Word to explore with the group how and why the writings of the Apostle Paul are so often misunderstood. Many in our day find offense in who he was and what he wrote in the name of God. But then again, Paul offended both Roman and Jewish sensibilities in his own day too! Get a new set of lenses for looking at the apostle's character, ministry, and teachings in this two week series of conversations.

Dates January 7-18, 2019
# of Programs 10
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Bill Crowder, Randy Richards, Brandon O’Brien
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Part 1 - 01/07/19

Misreading Paul

Sometimes we tend to view biblical characters with rose-colored glasses, failing to see their faults or shortcomings. But that’s not reality! Today on Discover the Word, the team is joined by authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien to explore together what is often perceived as the apostle Paul’s less-than-perfect behavior. A thought-provoking study called “Misreading Paul” today at on Discover the Word!

Part 2 - 01/07/19

Biblical Characters And The 21st Century Western Culture

Most of us have favorite biblical characters, but we run the risk of misunderstanding them . . . when we try to fit them into our 21st-century Western culture. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder sit down with authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien and continue to discuss how to keep from “Misreading Paul.”

Part 3 - 01/09/19

Important Perspectives That Keep Us From Misreading Scripture

When reading the Bible, trying to navigate the complex historical context in which it was written can make it downright intimidating! Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder are joined by authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien . . . to discuss some important perspectives that can keep us from misreading Scripture.

Part 4 - 01/10/19

The Apostle Paul And Some Of His Shortcomings

We know nobody is perfect, but when you really admire somebody . . . it’s easy to gloss over their flaws. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder invite authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien to the table . . . for another challenging conversation about the apostle Paul and some of his shortcomings.

Part 5 - 01/11/19

Understanding Context Can Help Keep Us From Misreading The Bible

It’s easy to point fingers at someone’s behavior . . . until you understand the reasons behind it. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder sit down with authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien to explore how understanding the context of the apostle Paul’s actions . . . helps us to appreciate what he’s trying to tell us, and can keep us from “Misreading Paul.”

Part 6 - 01/14/19

Challenges Paul Faced In His Cross-Cultural World

One of the greatest issues we’re wrestling within our world today is how to advance racial reconciliation. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder are joined by authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien to discuss the challenges Paul faced in his cross-cultural life and ministry.

Part 7 - 01/15/19

What Were Some Of The Complex Racial Issues Of Ancient Rome?

Slavery was rampant in ancient times. So why didn’t Jesus or the apostles ever speak out against it? Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder sit down with authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien to discuss the complex socio-economic system that existed in ancient Rome.

Part 8 - 01/16/19

What Does Paul Have To Say About The Role Of Women In The Church?

Jesus made a point of reaching out to women . . . including them in his ministry. But other parts of Scripture seem less friendly toward women. Wednesday/Today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder are joined at the table by authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien . . . to wrestle with what Paul said about women’s role in the church.

Part 9 - 01/17/19

Discerning When Scripture Is Meant To Be Universal And When It Is Not

All Scripture is God-breathed. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we can apply a verse to every situation. Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder invite authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien to help us discern when Scripture’s application is meant to be universal . . . and when it’s meant to be limited.

Part 10 - 01/18/19

Approaching Scripture As Discerning And Knowledgeable Readers

Just like any other book or document . . . context is important when reading the Bible. And Friday/today on Discover the Word, Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, and Bill Crowder sit down with authors Randy Richards and Brandon O’Brien to discuss how we can approach Scripture as discerning and knowledgeable readers. Don’t miss the conclusion of our series called, “Misreading Paul”

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