The scientific community once believed that the earth was flat, and that leeches were good medicine. Obviously our perceptions don’t always match reality! Turns out a rich young man who thought he knew what it meant to follow the Lord was way off!
What matters most? What is truly valuable? These are the questions faced by the “rich young ruler” who confronts Jesus. He seems to ask the right question and appears to have an eager heart—but will what he values in the moment get in the way of what matters forever?
The scientific community once believed that the earth was flat, and that leeches were good medicine. Obviously our perceptions don’t always match reality! Turns out a rich young man who thought he knew what it meant to follow the Lord was way off!
Some people aren’t willing to admit that Jesus is the perfect Son of God. But they may agree that Jesus was a good teacher. Why we can’t call Jesus “good” without calling Him “Lord.”
What do I have to do to get into heaven? It’s a question men and women have been asking for centuries. Our study of the rich young ruler continues.
What does it take to get into heaven? Do we have to obey every rule? If we live a good life are we in? Let’s turn to Mark chapter 10 and Jesus’ advice to a young man working hard to get to heaven.
You don’t have to be a tailor to know that a camel won’t fit through the eye of a needle. But according to Jesus, that’s easier than someone who is wealthy getting into heaven!