Series Proverbs to Light Your Path

Wherever you are on your journey, the book of Proverbs offers the wisdom you need for the road ahead. Best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs joins the group for these two weeks to explore with Mart and Elisa and Daniel wisdom chosen by hundreds of believers as their favorite verses in Proverbs. These ten nuggets of truth reveal how faithfully God honors His promise to "instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths” (Proverbs 4:11). Discover how, when you look to the One who knows you, the One who loves you, the One who leads you, you'll find that He charts the path. He lights the path. He is the path.

Dates March 18-29
# of Programs 10
At The Table Mart DeHaan, Elisa Morgan, Daniel Ryan Day, and Liz Curtis Higgs
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Part 1 - 03/18/19

To Hear From God… Start With Reading His Word

God wants to speak into our lives, to show us which path in life to take, and which to avoid. But hearing God’s voice starts with reading His Word. Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs encourage us to spend time in God’s Word and commit it to memory. Join us for the start of a new series on the Proverbs today on Discover the Word!

Part 2 - 03/18/19

Are You Preoccupied With What Others Think Of You?

From the clothes we wear to the car we drive, it’s easy to become preoccupied with what others think of us. But today on Discover the Word, the team and author Liz Curtis Higgs encourage us to trust in the Lord, rather than fear people. Another thought-provoking discussion on the Proverbs, today on Discover the Word!

Part 3 - 03/18/19

Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart

We’ve all gone through seasons when we thought we knew what we were doing but then reality stepped in to remind us just how clueless we really were! Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs discuss this wise counsel from Proverbs: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Another “Proverb to Light Your Path,” today on Discover the Word!

Part 4 - 03/18/19

When Harmless Conversation Turns To Gossip

We all enjoy hearing and telling stories—stories about ourselves, and also stories about other people. But when does harmless conversation become gossip? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs challenge us to examine our motives before sharing information about others. Join us today for Discover the Word!

Part 5 - 03/18/19

Dangers Of Pride

The Bible says that pride goes before a fall. Because no matter how high we try to lift ourselves up, we’ll always end up crashing down in the end. Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs examine the dangers of pride as described in Proverbs 16:18. Pull up a chair to the table, today, for Discover the Word!

Part 6 - 03/18/19

Inviting God Into Our Daily Plans

Do you sometimes write up a plan or schedule for how you expect your day to go? Does your day always play out that way? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs urge us to invite God into our plans and allow Him to guide our steps. Join the group as they continue to study the Proverbs together today on Discover the Word!

Part 7 - 03/18/19

Using Your Words For Good

Words are some of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal. We can use them either to build people up or tear them down. Today on Discover the Word, our team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs consider Proverbs 16:24, in which Solomon implores us to speak graciously, and use our words to build. Pull up a chair to the table today for Discover the Word!

Part 8 - 03/18/19

Is It Possible To Have All That Knowledge And Still Lack Wisdom?

In today’s world, we have practically unlimited access to information. The answer to any question is just a Google search away. But is it possible to have all that knowledge and still lack wisdom? Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs discuss the value of applying God’s wisdom to our lives. Listen today to Discover the Word!

Part 9 - 03/18/19

Do Not Boast About Tomorrow, Rather Invite God Into Your Daily Plans

No one knows for sure what tomorrow will bring. But at times, we sure act as if we do! Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs consider Proverbs 27:1: “Do not boast about tomorrow.” We’re learning to invite God into our plans and ambitions as we study the Proverbs together, today on Discover the Word!

Part 10 - 03/18/19

God Promises To Stay By Our Side If We Submit Our Ways To Him

God never said that life would be easy. But He does promise to stay by our side every step of the way. Today on Discover the Word, the team, and author Liz Curtis Higgs discuss what Proverbs 3:6 means when it says “In all your ways, submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Don’t miss the powerful conclusion to our series on the Proverbs, today on Discover the Word!

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